Installing Slackware on SINXP (ITE8218 RAID Controller)
Hello all.
I've gotten Slackware running on one of my machines (yay!) and now I'm trying to convert another to it, but this one is a little trickier. I'm 2 HDDs in a striped array on a Gigabyte SINXP motherboard. This mobo has the ITE8212 ATA133 RAID controller, which none of the images from the slackware install CD is able to access. I have located the ITE drivers for the controller here:
(Sorry this is my first post so it won't let me post urls, replace XXX above with www dot ite dot com dot tw)
There is however one small problem. The driver comes compiled for Mandrake and Red Hat, but not Slackware. I have downloaded the source for it and have attempted to compile it, but I'm not entirely sure how to do this.
The problem is this. The source comes with and Makefile.rh, which i assume are Mandrake and Red Hat makefiles respectively? I've tried renaming both to just Makefile and making from there. The rh one spits out a bunch of missing files, but the md one compiles.
Trying to insmod iteraid.o however rewards me with a long collection of "unresolved symbol" prompts.
Can anyone tell me how to get the kernel to talk to the disks? Thanks!