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Old 09-20-2003, 02:35 AM   #1
Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 210

Rep: Reputation: 30
Question Installing from second harddrive

I installed Tiny linux on a hard drive and checked it out. Now I want to install 9.1 on the hard drive but I need to install from a second hard drive. It is a dos partition. The boot disk sees it as hdb but I can not get it to mount. How can I do this. Do I need to go into the TL fstab and setup the second hdd or if I reformat the first drive and do a clean install will that do it. Please help me out I do not have the slightest Ideal what to do here.
Old 09-20-2003, 09:04 AM   #2
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: Jakartax, ID
Distribution: slack9.1+,9.1,rh9
Posts: 203

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Now I want to install 9.1 on the hard drive but I need to install from a second hard drive. It is a dos partition. The boot disk sees it as hdb but I can not get it to mount.
Wut is the screen output when u mounted ur /dev/hdb ?

Dos partition should be something of fat type. So am doubt whether ur slack source is written there correctly (filename.ext issue).
U should have commandline like this:
$ mount -t fat /dev/hdb /somewhere

Then u must tell "slackware-setup" that ur source is on /somewhere/slackware during the setup. It is on the select your source option of "setup".

If the mount still fails, I suggest u format ur hdb with fat32 type, then write ur slackware sourcetree there. If u have the slackware.iso on hdb, u need to do it otherway, like:

Create 2 dirs like:
$ mkdir /part2 /slacksource
$ mount -t vfat /dev/hdb /part2
$ mount -o loop -t iso9660 /part2/slackware.iso /slacksource

Later u need to tell "setup" to use source from a premounted dir, and pass it "/slacksource/slackware" without "".

Try it out ..
Old 09-20-2003, 01:48 PM   #3
Registered: Sep 2003
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Thanks I'll try that. to answer your question. I't just said unable to mount hdb. didn't really give a reason. what I did was pull win 98 off a harddrive and archive it. Then reformated it with 98s erd. so it is fat 32. Then I downloaded The Iso on my win comp. and used winrar to extract files to the reformated drive. Then I used setup to try and mount the drive. So looking at it from win source is D:\slack So your saying I should make it D:\something\slack
then looking at It from linux would make it /dev/hdb/something/slack
Old 09-21-2003, 03:05 AM   #4
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: Jakartax, ID
Distribution: slack9.1+,9.1,rh9
Posts: 203

Rep: Reputation: 30
Now ur slackware9.1 source tree is in D:\slack ?

Important is to know where the directory containing the source packages (aaa, base, ap, d, k, f, net, ...), they should be in ur D:\slack\slackware in this case ?!

Just boot in with the disket .., login as root, then do following:
1. make a mountPoint (an empty directory) with:
$ mkdir /mysource

2. Mount your hdb to /mysource
$ mount -t vfat /dev/hdb /mysource
if that fails try replace vfat with fat32, or let the "-t vfat" out ..

3. Run setup, go through the procedures it direct u untill u come to the select ur source then select "install from a premounted directory" and pass "/mysource/slack/slackware" to the field there.

One thing I noticed from ur system is that u have very low memory rite ? Then I'd suggest u make a swap partition first of all b4 u go with setup. U can make the swap space on hda or hdb ..
But u must have free alocatable space there.

To make a swap space u need to run either
$ cfdisk /dev/hda
$ cfdisk /dev/hdb
create a swap space say 64MB,128,256 or 512 should be enough. Tell cfdisk to write the change to harddisk with "w", quit the cfsdisk. Then
$ swapon /dev/hdax
$ swapon /dev/hdbx
The parameter hdax or hdbx depend on which hd and which partition (part1 then x=1, part2 then x=2 ..)

The other thing just coming through my mind is the bios problem with HD over 2 GB if ur system is such old system with bios limitation ?

Am not on slack to find out how to overcome with this issue, if ..

In worst case u might need to choose Cylinder,Head,Sector from bios setup and reformat ur 2nd hd with that chs .. in order to be recognized by ur BIOS .. ( But it wonder me that u said u can access it from within window, if then u should also be able to access from slack .., forget the CHS thing in case that u can access that 2nd hd from within window ..) Just move on ..

Last edited by linuxJaver; 09-21-2003 at 03:26 AM.
Old 09-21-2003, 12:38 PM   #5
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What I suggest doing is what I did:
Use a Linux distro that you can, format your second hard drive as ext2 or whatever you want it to be, then mount it as /home
Then download the files to your /home/*username*/ directory.
When you pop in the boot disk and the root disks, then format hda with fdisk, then run the Slack install, and when you choose target, format hda, but preserve hdb. Then as your media source, choose Mounted Directory or Hard Disk(I forget what it is called exactly), and it will be mounted in /mnt/home/*username*/*whatever path you downloaded to*

It was smooth sailing for me from there on out. All I did for the packages was to not install Gnome, since it's 2.2(? or is it 2.0?), and I would be installing 2.4.
Old 09-21-2003, 11:37 PM   #6
Registered: Sep 2003
Posts: 210

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I will keep that in mind. What happened is that harddrive I was using burned out. Not sure what caused it i smelled a smell like burning wire and checked my comp. the smell was coming from that harddrive after that I just could not access it. I had to go to a birthday party tonight and the guy took down a boxed mandrake set and told me to use it. It took 10 minuetes tops and i"m online. I'm posting from mandrake now. Is there a better browser for linux than netscape. man this thing looks awfull. Whats your advice on browsers.
Old 09-21-2003, 11:59 PM   #7
Registered: Sep 2003
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linuxjaver I Don't know if what I have is counted low or not I have three 64 mb chips. what is low in linux. I do not evan know whats considered low now that most comps. are coming out with 1 gig or more. 5 years ogo I upgraded to 64 Megs. Three years ago 128. Two years ago 196 megs. Its hard to beleive now but the first comp. I had I was able to brag about having 8 megs of memory.
Old 09-22-2003, 08:28 AM   #8
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: Jakartax, ID
Distribution: slack9.1+,9.1,rh9
Posts: 203

Rep: Reputation: 30
I personally will consider below 32 mb RAM as low. I meant if u have only 8/16mb u might not able to run setup without to activate the swap partition first.

Sorry I don't know even ur hardware specification, I just misunderstood this posting with another posting about installing slack on a 486 Box... Just forget it ..
Old 09-22-2003, 10:21 PM   #9
Registered: Sep 2003
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I do have a winbox 486 but evan than I have 32 megs. I ran win 98 on it as a matter of fact the drive that burned out was out of it.
I am very interested. Don't sweat it evan I get confused sometimes right now I have 4 projects going and three of them involve linux.
Old 09-24-2003, 05:34 AM   #10
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: Jakartax, ID
Distribution: slack9.1+,9.1,rh9
Posts: 203

Rep: Reputation: 30
Then u can write ur slackware.iso on an second not-burnt out HD, then attach it on ur 486, install slack that 486, then configure it to be server for (internet, dns, mail, file)-server, should be better than to run w98 on that machine. I bet 486 is no longer good/fast enough for using as desktop .., but for a LAN server ..

In this case wut I/other spoken above maight apply ..


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