Installation woes or Why I could not get past CD1...
I am trying to build a slackware system on a dual 750 Pentium III system with 2g ram... to evaluate the new Free VMWARE Server.. The base hardware
Intel 440 motherboard
integrated adaptec 7896..
2 18g scsi drives sda and sdb... setting up dev/sda/partition 1 as 14g and mounting as /
dev/sda/partition 2 as 4g swap
dev/sdbpartition 1 as whole disk and mounting as /root
I am starting the installation by booting the adaptec.s image..
then going to 'setup' ..
I am selecting no 'x' components... no sound or video... no games...
then... because I am a newbie... I select 'full'..
gets thru disk 1 and prompts for disk 2..
I insert it... and it ejects the disk with a message not mounted... Thinking it was bad media I reburned the cd..
to no avail.. WILL not accept disc two... so I choose quit and configure. Says /dev/hdb not mounted ...
CD ejects.. loops back to menu prompt for next CD
duh... automount on source saw the cd on hda and apparently the installer looks for it on hdb... Any idea how to fix it?