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Dngrsone 01-10-2006 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by Vgui
I recently had some fun making a media box using Slackware. It was a mini sized computer, and I set it up to be headless. Basically it logs in automatically on boot up, starts X then xmms, then a media control program that passes mouse clicks / scroll wheeling to cxmms-curses. Pretty neat to be able to shift songs, control the volume, stop and play with just a mouse. The media box now sits by my bed and I use it either with headphones or old cheap speakers. Pretty neat stuff.

That is neat stuff... I might set something like that up for my kids.

karunamurti 01-11-2006 12:52 AM

get latest 2.6.x + recompile
get latest nvidia
install lilo graphic + bootsplash
install open office 2
install lot of kde eye candy and kde apps
install azureus
install wine / or get cedega from torrent
install snes9x vba genesis n64 emulator scummvm
copy rom from cd to harddisk
customize kde menu
get + install unrar unace unarj p7zip
install inkscape + dia and deal with gnome deps
get win32 codec + mplayer deps
install latest xine-lib + mplayer
gaim 2 + vv

karunamurti 01-11-2006 12:57 AM

ah! forgot to install adobe reader 7, opera 8.51, firefox 1.5
get flash player plugin and install it
get real player, install it, and link real plugin to firefox dir

Linux.tar.gz 01-11-2006 12:42 PM

Basically, i think Slackers got their own tips in order to configure the system. Of course admins can just install and run a pure server machine behind a firewall, running ftp, http, sql, nfs etc...
I got mine too. Here's my philosophy:

-I don't want to change anything to the stable version i installed. It means i don't replace any original Slackware package. That's why i don't use dropline, even freerock or optimized
Slack is "perfect" and i'll be crazy to touch anything.

---BUT i can change the configuration. I change the language, disable the beeps, add the famous mouse zaxismapping to xorg.conf and some other things (like desktop preferences). I did this after every install. So i take the original config files, modify them, then i put them in a .tgz, in their right directories. I add other stuff too:
This is a "basic" customization. But i also need some "basic" useful programs, like xbindkeys, checkinstall, kde-i18n-fr...
I called this package def-pack-base.tgz.
No need to edit manually any file after each install.
At this point i added just a few non-Slack programs. Just the vital ones.

Now i have a standard ready to use stable Slackware.

That's where the fun begins:
---We all need more: blender for 3D makers, audacity for audio people, Open Office for almost everyone, aMule ;), games, etc...
Here comes the all-you-ever-need def-pack-bonus.tgz.

Now i have a Super Slackware System. 3S ;). I like this name Shilo, and i'll put a patent on it then you'll give me money :).
That's fun because i choosen The Super Shinobi as my pack's symbol.

So that's my cooking and i'm sure many other people have a similar way to proceed. I reached a point where users don't phone me when i install it on their PC. But it's still perfectible.
I insist on the fact that i don't want to make a new Slackware-based distro.
I use Slackware.

auditek747 01-11-2006 03:04 PM

- Run "Orbiter Space Simulator" with winex-cvs
- Capture clips of game play with xvidcap
- Edit clips with LiVeS (now does multitrack [hooray!])
- ???
- Profit

- 2ghz Athlon machine as NX server
- p166 as NX client (works really well)


- I'm also running WinXP under Qemu, though I'm not
sure why.

karunamurti 01-11-2006 10:23 PM


Originally posted by Linux.tar.gz
-I don't want to change anything to the stable version i installed. It means i don't replace any original Slackware package. That's why i don't use dropline, even freerock or optimized
Slack is "perfect" and i'll be crazy to touch anything.
Yup, 3 hours removing dropline and fixing plain slackware. sometimes allright with me, but not packages with lots of deps like mplayer. Compile it manually.

munkie_poo 01-12-2006 09:39 PM

I think my coolest slackware moment was setting up an encrypted partition to hide sensitive images of a hydroponical nature, using cryptsetup-lux and dm_crypt module.

I also set up my digital camera with ease as USB Storage Device, works flawlessly (apart from automount), I tried on it Suze an it broke me camera, had to send it back to get the firmware flashed.

rkrishna 01-13-2006 12:22 AM

related to cd
1.setup ur second cd/dvd, create a link in /dev/, edit fstab
2.scsi emulation, append-lilo, make the same device as reader (if only one drive is there-ofcourse for older kernel)

grub is still there
edit fstab for win partion mounting-

hrp2171 02-03-2006 10:22 AM


Install Slackware on my laptop
X works? Great then change runlevel to 4
Wireless card works? Excellent, I'm done!

CatGrampy 02-03-2006 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by munkie_poo
I think my coolest slackware moment was setting up an encrypted partition to hide sensitive images of a hydroponical nature, using cryptsetup-lux and dm_crypt module.

I also set up my digital camera with ease as USB Storage Device, works flawlessly (apart from automount), I tried on it Suze an it broke me camera, had to send it back to get the firmware flashed.

:tisk: Be sure to maintain the proper altitude when flying Slack! ...and have an apple instead of that deep fried snickers bar!:D

soulestream 02-03-2006 12:46 PM

I would like to add....MPD

the greatest thing to happen to an mp3 collection since...well I cant think of anything that great:D


allend 02-05-2006 06:57 AM

Set up ntp to maintain system time and date.

Franklin 02-05-2006 08:15 AM

This thread is a great idea, but I think a way to make it REALLY usefull would be for everyone with an idea to post one link to a good howto page for that idea.

For example:

Setting your digital camera up to work as a normal user by correctly setting usb permissions using libgphoto2:

Also, Correctly setting up CPAN and downloading modules so that F-Prot can be installed:

edong23 02-06-2006 12:59 PM

since i have done just about everything you guys or ladies have done on slackware (and it was the first distro that would do everything my demanding ass wanted) i have to say that this thread will get very long indeed. but to add some...

1. remove ldconfig from boot, so startup is faster ;)
2. write perl script that will use css to decrypt and shrink a dvd, and burn it ;)
3. use openmosix on slackware on 12 different x86 compatible systems, and start up about 700 jobs and watch it sail.
4. get e17 from cvs on it... it is fast, but alittle buggy being pre alpha, but not as bad as kde haha hate kde
5. get e16 on it.. it is very fast

now it gets fun

6. install and configure asterisk pbx on it, and get some ip phone, and a few fxo card ;)
7. Sell VoIP service off of it, to isps..
8. use it on my laptop as a wireless/ethernet bridge, sit at atlanta bread on wifi, with my ip phone there and make calls ;)
9. my isps mail filters are slackware
10. my isps webservers are slack
11. my macintosh is on slack :)

and my favorite so far

12. i used it to hack my atheros card, allowing me to use it in my laptops minipci slot and getting around the bios lockout of none hp cards.

jordo1 03-31-2006 10:28 PM

I was also thinking on the subject of security and post installation configuration. I found this text on the
web a bit ago and have been trying to develop a script for a post installation script to help configure your system.

Check out this other thread. It has a neat idea for a script to configure everything to run on Slackware. It's nice to have the script in case you may be forgetting to do something. Here's the link to the other thread:

Anyway, it will likely be a while before I post what I actually get working 'cause I'm kind of slow when it comes to scripting/programming. So if anyone else comes with a good idea please post!

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