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Old 07-09-2005, 03:56 PM   #1
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: BR - Floripa
Distribution: Ubuntu 9.10 - 2.6.x.x
Posts: 661

Rep: Reputation: 35
I want gnome! My gnome doesnt start anymore! :(

I will reinstall my slackware 10.1 so I can take off this dropline gnome, and I want the original gnome from How I install it? after I reinstall slackware it will come with gnome 2.6 and I want gnome 2.10, what I do? Im not trusting in this GARMONE thing...

Im sad... everything was going perfect until yesterday. I was trying to install gnome-bluetooth and downloaded some lib and stuff. And now I just cant start gnome, I receive a windows digalog message saying
There was an error starting the GNOME Setting Daemons. Such things, 
such as themes, sound or background settings may not work correctly.
The settings daemon restarted too many times.
The last error message was :
Failed to activate 'OAFIID : GNOME_Settings Daemon'
GNOME will still try to restart the settings daemon next you log in
And other message saying that it could not load nautilus and stuff and I have to run bonobo-slay and try again or I my need to reinstall nautilus... now.. Im using KDE (I hate it!!!!!) and cant use gnome... I think the problem was when trying to install some libs to make gnome-bluetooth compile...

I have removed all Dropline Gnome using it installer and installed All again (still the same problem) have already booted with my slack CD and tried to reinstall all system files and libs ... still in the same... Im thinking about booting again with the CD and installing all GNOME files and them re-install Dropline too...

The problem is that slack comes with a very old gnome version... :/

Im accepting tips and some help, pleasE!
Old 07-09-2005, 04:03 PM   #2
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: Montana
Posts: 304

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
Look into GWARE or GSB-FRG as they are 2 GNOME builds 2.10.* that fit into Slackware nicely. GWARE would be the one I'd push as it replaces less packages and gives me no issues on my system. However GSB-FRG has much more extra packages that are nice to have. Theres also Linuce but I have no experience with that.
Good Luck
Old 07-09-2005, 04:06 PM   #3
Senior Member
Registered: May 2003
Location: Columbus, OH
Distribution: DIYSlackware
Posts: 1,914

Rep: Reputation: 52
I'm pretty sure your issue with Slacks 10.1 Gnome is a gstreamer lib/plugin... It's been discussed many times here on the forum. It's easily fixed.

If you want 2.10.1 in true Slackware style, go with the Linuce version of Gnome. Thats been discussed repeatedly as well... The sanity of Linuce Gnome is top notch and is IMO better than the way Pat used to build it. I think those 2 aught to get together and talk about incorporating it back in to the install...


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