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Old 08-13-2006, 07:58 PM   #1
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: Argentina
Distribution: slackware 12
Posts: 211

Rep: Reputation: 30
Unhappy howto load netfilter module..?

I'm traying to run an app called "netstat-nat"
but when I do so, I get this error msg:
Could not read info about connections from the kernel, make sure netfilter is enabled in kernel or by modules.
So I did lsmod.. no 'netfilter' reference in there.
then, I tryied to load it with 'modprobe netfilter'
"FATAL: Module netfilter not found."

then I 'locate netfilter', and I saw a netfilter directory, instead of a netfilter.o or something like that.

so... what should I do to get that netfilter module(s) loaded, just to be able to run the netstat-nat app?

thanks in advance
Old 08-13-2006, 08:51 PM   #2
Senior Member
Registered: Jun 2004
Location: Chicago
Distribution: Slackware64 -current
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Originally Posted by minike
I'm traying to run an app called "netstat-nat"
but when I do so, I get this error msg:
Could not read info about connections from the kernel, make sure netfilter is enabled in kernel or by modules.
So I did lsmod.. no 'netfilter' reference in there.
then, I tryied to load it with 'modprobe netfilter'
"FATAL: Module netfilter not found."

then I 'locate netfilter', and I saw a netfilter directory, instead of a netfilter.o or something like that.

so... what should I do to get that netfilter module(s) loaded, just to be able to run the netstat-nat app?

thanks in advance
If you use custom compiled kernel, it is likely that you missed out on netfilter. If you are using slackware's kernel. Try...
modprobe iptables
modprobe iptables_nat
If that doesn't work...check out the following directories

Old 08-13-2006, 09:14 PM   #3
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: Argentina
Distribution: slackware 12
Posts: 211

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 30
thanks 4 answering..
I'm using the 2.6.13 kernel provided in slack 10.2
never compiled a custom kernel, so.. it's the 'standard' one.
I did what U told, but.. nothing happens:
modprobe iptables
FATAL: Module iptables not found.
..and the same result 4 the modprobe iptables_nat cmd.

If that doesn't work...check out the following directories


/lib/modules/kernel-version/kernel/net/ipv4 /lib/modules/kernel-version/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter /lib/modules/kernel-version/kernel/net/netfilter
ok.. there's not /lib/modules/kernel-version/kernel/net/netfilter directory nor file, but I've been in the /ipv4/netfilter directory (as I said in my first post), and it's full of *.ko files (modules, maybe?)
the point is: what should I do with such files?
(really don't have a clue how to handle all of this modules thing)


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