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Old 07-31-2006, 04:22 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2006
Posts: 3

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Unhappy how to install lexmark z605 printer on slackware 10.2

I have a problem with my lexmark z605 printer on slackware .
I have managed to install slackware after "testing" a couple of distributions starting with fedora, ubuntu, suse, redhat and others . I know that lexmark printers don`t have a better support but i would be very glad if you could help me configure my printer . ( i would apreciate if you could also write the commands ... i`m a linux newbie and i don`t have to many ideeas about installing and others on linux ) .
Thanks for your time and i help
you will find an answear to my problem .
Old 08-01-2006, 03:10 AM   #2
Bruce Hill
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Open a web browser and enter "localhost:631" and you will get the CUPS (Common Unix Printer System) web interface. From there you can pretty much follow the GUI dialog to set it up. Note that you will be asked for a username and password with a dialog that will appear. That is "root" and your root password. Only root can configure the CUPS daemon.
Old 08-01-2006, 06:40 PM   #3
Registered: Sep 2004
Location: formerly Fanelia and Zaibach
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Smile contact me i have a .tgz


I own a Lexmark Z602. I have built a .tgz package using the Lexmark official Z600 series driver. Bound by their license I am not permitted to publish that package, but if you contact me I will send it to you. (plus a SlackBuild). The license allows me to do so (it means only you as the owner of a Lexmark printer are allowed to play with it in order to make it work). Bound by the Lexmark license you will not be able to redistribute that package to anyone who does not own a Lexmark printer.

The install method is pretty easy. Just install the .tgz package, and after that type in a konsole (from within KDE if you use it)


That's a nice wizard that will guide you in the installation (it will even let you print a test page).

Contact me via email.
Old 08-01-2006, 06:46 PM   #4
Bruce Hill
HCL Maintainer
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I took a minute to check and noticed this:
Old 08-01-2006, 11:06 PM   #5
Registered: Sep 2004
Location: formerly Fanelia and Zaibach
Distribution: Slackware-current !
Posts: 344

Rep: Reputation: 59

That's 100% true! The ink (the two 26 and 27 cartridges) costs 3 dollars less than a new printer that would include them!

Now about that %^&%^&%& driver, it's CUPS-based. (fortunately).

But it is indeed a closed-source binary...


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