Hello and welcome!
I guess, if you want to merge 3 physical partitions into one, your best bet would be logical volume management of some kind (lvm comes to mind).
Or, you could get away with some clever mounting. For example, I have two partitions /dev/sda3 (on smaller but fast system disk) and /dev/sdb1 (on large second disk).
I have mounted /dev/sda3 as /home and /dev/sdb1 as /mnt/files
ls /mnt/files/
viso 24K
drwx------ 2 root root 16K Spa 9 2012 lost+found
drwxr-xr-x 8 meisteris users 4,0K Spa 31 2012 meisteris
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4,0K Grd 23 2013 saugojimui
There I have a directory, which holds some of my files:
ls /mnt/failai/meisteris/
viso 24K
drwxr-xr-x 13 meisteris users 4,0K Rgs 11 09:08 Downloads
drwxr-xr-x 8 meisteris users 4,0K Grd 28 2013 Music
drwxr-xr-x 28 meisteris users 4,0K Rgs 11 09:00 Pictures
drwxr-xr-x 9 meisteris users 4,0K Rgs 11 09:06 Videos
All I have to do is link those folders to my /home directory using
mount -o bind. You can put following lines into
/etc/fstab, but I've chosen to create file
/etc/rc.d/rc.mounts and then execute it from
cat /etc/rc.d/rc.mounts
mount -o bind /mnt/failai/meisteris/Downloads /home/meisteris/Downloads
mount -o bind /mnt/failai/meisteris/Music /home/meisteris/Music
mount -o bind /mnt/failai/meisteris/Pictures /home/meisteris/Pictures
mount -o bind /mnt/failai/meisteris/Videos /home/meisteris/Video
So if
rc.mounts is executable,
rc.local will execute it. You can control it with
chmod +x or
chmod -x
cat /etc/rc.d/rc.local
# /etc/rc.d/rc.local: Local system initialization script.
# Put any local startup commands in here. Also, if you have
# anything that needs to be run at shutdown time you can
# make an /etc/rc.d/rc.local_shutdown script and put those
# commands in there.
if [ -x "/etc/rc.d/rc.mounts" ]; then
sh /etc/rc.d/rc.mounts
This way if I put something into my /home/Downloads it goes straigt to /dev/sdb1
And when I remove /dev/sdb1 from my system, it still boots, functions and I still have my working /home. Altough moving files from one binded directory to another can be rather slow.
If you chose LVM route, then all these partitions would be merged into one, which would be mounted as /home. So you could work with your files in a simpler way, but this requires to think of a good backup strategy, because failed disk or partition would make life rather difficult.
Both options have their strengths and weaknesses, if you can tell which way better suits your case, maybe we can help further. For now I suggest to google a bit on LVM.