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-   -   How recover from damage from slackpkg 'upgrade' (scilab) ? (

slackware-current 06-24-2019 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by montagdude (Post 6008559)
Have you tried it with Oracle JDK to confirm that that is the problem?

not since jdk -v 6

ehartman 06-24-2019 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by luvr (Post 6008543)
However, the Oracle JDK is less freely and easily downloadable these days, though it can still be done.

Often you only need the jdk8 or even the jre8 ones from Oracle:

$ ls -l /opt/jdk*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 2018-07-07 10:20:49 /opt/jdk -> jdk1.8.0_181
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 440 2018-07-07 10:20:49 /opt/jdk1.8.0_181

slackware-current 06-24-2019 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by ehartman (Post 6008567)
Often you only need the jdk8 or even the jre8 ones from Oracle:

are you editing your /etc/ for /opt/jdk
just curious I may want to run both for testing.

luvr 06-24-2019 12:12 PM

According to How to get Scilab 6.0.1 working on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS?, scilab is now ported to OpenJDK 11. Perhaps install that?

jrch 06-24-2019 12:18 PM

Seems to me some of you are missing the point here.

Scilab 6.0.1 and 6.0.2 both worked fine the last few days, WITH ORACLE JDK 8u202, which has been in use on my slackware 14.2 stable, since March. During recent upgrade-all, NO JDK was involved at all, nor was scilab. Upgrade to scilab 6.0.2 waa done in April. All worked well since then.

How now is it that the jdk is suddenly suspect, or the Scilab binary, since both have worked together flawlessly for months?


I appreciate the suggestions, but I am reluctant to go off half-cocked uninstalling / reinstalling things that I do not understand all details about. That is apparently how I got into this jam in the first place. So I'm needing to be more careful now, and understand what is going on (which I don't) and go one step at a time.


slackware-current 06-24-2019 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by jrch (Post 6008577)
Seems to me some of you are missing the point here.

Scilab 6.0.1 and 6.0.2 both worked fine the last few days, WITH ORACLE JDK 8u202, which has been in use on my slackware 14.2 stable, since March. During recent upgrade-all, NO JDK was involved at all, nor was scilab. Upgrade to scilab 6.0.2 waa done in April. All worked well since then.

How now is it that the jdk is suddenly suspect, or the Scilab binary, since both have worked together flawlessly for months?



Obviously there was a link broken to java executables. or his profile setting have been broken

luvr 06-24-2019 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by jrch (Post 6008577)
Scilab 6.0.1 and 6.0.2 both worked fine the last few days, WITH ORACLE JDK 8u202, which has been in use on my slackware 14.2 stable, since March. During recent upgrade-all, NO JDK was involved at all.

How now is it that the jdk is suddenly suspect, or the Scilab binary, since both have worked together flawlessly for months?

I get your point, but if the official policy of the scilab developers states that the software is now ported to OpenJDK 11, then that doesn't mean that older or other JDK versions won't work. They are just no longer officially supported. If you're using one of these and it works today, then anything that gets changed to your system, even if it seems totally innocent, may break your unofficial setup, and nothing will be done about it.

Having said that, you could try and find out what Debian or Ubuntu have done to get scilab working again for them. Perhaps that might help you out.

slackware-current 06-24-2019 01:05 PM

Last of trouble shooting was able to recreate the issue.
after I did a fresh install it did not work why?
Because the /etc/profile.d/ or the /etc/profile.d/scilab.csh
was never ran to set the environment.
After running it from the start script /opt/scilab/bin/scilab
It ran because it will find the libraries set environment.

install openjdk then install Scilab then reboot.
or run ". /etc/profile"
seems it isn't finding the correct bin

slackware-current 06-24-2019 01:09 PM

why it was broke on upgrade I think /etc/profile may have been changed some how only Slackware team would know or find the package that was updated that caused the issue.

jrch 06-24-2019 05:21 PM

/etc/profile is not the problem.
/etc/profile was last changed on March 6.
Not the problem.

In addition, the 'start script' /opt/scilab/bin/scilab is run whenever I start scilab from command window. No help there, or apparently with any of the start scripts as they are all run.


jrch 06-24-2019 05:34 PM

NOT Solved...
Well, I don't know how to get the attention of the 'Slackware Team', or even if they would consider responding anyway. But this is not solved, and without some intervention from somebody knowledgeable, will not be solved.

jrch 06-24-2019 05:59 PM

OK installed Alien's openjdk 8u212 per 'slackware-current' suggestion
OK - the title says it all. I used the wget command and it installed the package, visible in /var/log/packages.

So now, BOTH jdk packages are listed in /var/log/packages:




Thanks to 'slackware-current' for the suggestion.

Not sure just yet how to rebuild the SBo for scilab, pointing to this jdk. My guess is:

1) removepkg jdk-8u202-x86_64-1_Sbo (note - HATE to do this, it will also ruin libreoffice...
2) removepkg scilab-(whatever installed)
3 rebuild scilab package.
4) install the scilab package.

Try to run scilab.

I guess in (3) it is SUPPOSED to somehow now *FIND* the jdk = openjdk, ???

I really hate doing this, will mean I also have to rebuild libreoffice. Hope it does not *destroy* that...similar to this clusterfrack.

Let me know, 'slackware-current', if this is what you mean I should do. Thanks.


kingbeowulf 06-24-2019 07:44 PM

dammit. I haven't been able to keep up with my SBo submissions. I hate java. No idea what fresh hell is hath spewed forth. scilab busted here as well for the GUI, but scilab-cli works. sigh. I'll trace back and see what's up. I have other Java based stuff that still work fine (jin, SweetHome3D).
I get just this:

$ scilab -f                 
Cannot find this look and feel:
[GTK look and feel -] not supported on this platform
/opt/scilab/bin/scilab: line 972: 28031 Segmentation fault      "$SCILABBIN" "$@"

BTW, jrch, when you on Slackware[64]-14.2, i.e. stable, you do not need "slackpkg install-new" Also, libroffice shouldn't care as long as your paths and $JAVA_HOME are the same, AFAIK.

Richard Cranium 06-24-2019 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by jrch (Post 6008491)
Actually I am using the 64-bit version. /var/log/packages has:


I also had updated to the 6.0.2 version with the help of the
scilab SBo package maintainer.

Rebuilt them both; neither works now after the
'slackpkg upgrade-all' earlier.

Thanks Richard, anyway, for your comment.
Edit: Richard, maybe I'm missing something - is there a
'clue' in my post that indicates my slack64 thinks the
scilab pkg is a 32-bit version?


I noticed that you mentioned "multilib" and didn't give the full name of the package you installed. I therefore assumed that this was a multilib issue versus a java issue.

Obviously I was incorrect in that assumption (which is why Drill Sergeants tell you that "ass-u-me" makes an ass out of you and me), for which I apologize.

Richard Cranium 06-24-2019 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by luvr (Post 6008581)
I get your point, but if the official policy of the scilab developers states that the software is now ported to OpenJDK 11, then that doesn't mean that older or other JDK versions won't work. They are just no longer officially supported. If you're using one of these and it works today, then anything that gets changed to your system, even if it seems totally innocent, may break your unofficial setup, and nothing will be done about it.

Having said that, you could try and find out what Debian or Ubuntu have done to get scilab working again for them. Perhaps that might help you out.

Java has changed A LOT between JDK 8 and JDK 11. As an example, there are various packages that are bundled with JDK8 that are no longer bundled with JDK11 (all due to the rationale behind Project Jigsaw).

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