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Old 03-27-2004, 10:34 PM   #1
Registered: Mar 2004
Location: glenview illinois
Distribution: fedora core 7
Posts: 458

Rep: Reputation: 30
having trouble logging in

I have installed slackware 9.1 on my system and I am having trouble logging in. When the system boots it comes to darktar login and than it goes to user: I never entered a user in during installation nad I wasn't asked to enter one. So i just hit enter. Next it goes to password and I just hit enter because I never set a password for root during installation, and than I get the message login incorrect. How coudl I correct this, I have tried rerunning installation and just have the same problem?

I finally got into root now I am having trouble getting into the kde desktop, and I opened the file inittab to try and change the run level 3 to 5

I opened the file #vi /etc/inittab and than I went to the line id:3:initdefault
to try and change the 3 to a 5 but when I deleted the 3 I could not replace it with a 5. How could I correct this, but any way the primary thing I want to now that I am able to log in as root is get into the kde desktop.

Last edited by paul62; 03-28-2004 at 10:55 AM.
Old 03-27-2004, 10:57 PM   #2
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Registered: Sep 2003
Location: Indiana
Distribution: Slackware 15.0
Posts: 1,272

Rep: Reputation: 65
You should set a root password during the install. Then when you come to the log in. You actually type root. Then put in the password when asked. Why would you keep trying to not set a root password.
Old 03-28-2004, 07:52 AM   #3
Registered: Mar 2004
Location: Denmark
Distribution: Gentoo, Slackware
Posts: 333

Rep: Reputation: 30
A related question:

If you are in a situation where you cannot log onto your machine because you have forgotten your password, what is the simplest way of resetting the password assuming that you have physical access to the computer? (without reinstalling the entire system)

I assume that it is possible to boot of a Slackware or Knoppix disk and mount the file system. Then you can modify the /etc/passwd file to reset the password (what to type to remove the password?) Is there an easier way?

Just interested in case I ever have to help out a friend.... I haven't really forgotten my root password, honest!!



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