I bought the Penumbra Collection from Frictional games a while back when they had a weekend deal for $5. I just installed Slackware64-13.0 last night and I've setup the 32-bit multilib environment by following
Alien Bob's wiki howto and everything seems to be ok with it (although I've not really tested much 32 bit stuff yet).
Every time I try to run one of the Penumbra games I get a segfault and I can't figure out why. The only thing I can think of is it might be because I'm using the nvidia 64-bit proprietary driver. The games come with their own versions of libraries they require and I'm kind of stumped as to what to try next
I get no error logs as the binaries crash before anything really happens.
If anyone has a pointer in the right direction I'd appreciate it, going to email Frictional too and see if they have any ideas as well.
On the upside World of Goo released an update that runs on 64-bit so score one for Linux gamers