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gawain 12-30-2006 10:56 AM

grub for dualboot
Hi everybody

I've installed slackware 11 on a PC with already Ubuntu runngin. Therefore 've changed the menu.lst file in the follwoing way

Title Slackware
root (hd0,2)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz
I've got only one hard disk with the following partitions
hda1 for Ubuntu;
hda2=hda5 is for the swap;
hda3 is for Slackware.
After a while the boot process ends like this

this cannot find reserfs on ide 0(3,7) kernel panic: VFS: unable to mount nt fs on 03:07

I can run a bootable floppy disk, but the mouse isn't working.
From Ubuntu I don't know how to access the slackware partition.

Any hint?:confused: :confused:
Thanks for patiently reading

penguiniator 12-30-2006 11:53 AM

I found this example from

# (4) Slackware
title Slackware
root (hd0,1)
kernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/sdb2 ro vga=791 mem=256M

And Linux Journal has an article about GRUB here I don't know if these will help solve your problem, but they are a start, at least.

gawain 12-30-2006 02:19 PM

Thanks for replying.
I tried how you said


# (4) Slackware
title Slackware
root (hd0,1)
kernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/sdb2 ro vga=791 mem=256M
but it's even worse. it doesn't recognize the device.
I got a bootable floppy disk; I can run slackware but the mouse doesn't work :confused: :confused: :confused:

Thansk again fr any hint

tuxrules 12-30-2006 02:27 PM


hda1 for Ubuntu;
hda2=hda5 is for the swap;
hda3 is for Slackware.
Try this in grub config file


title Slackware
root (hd0,2)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda3 ro


TSquaredF 12-30-2006 02:53 PM

You need to add a bit more to your boot stanza. You have passed the root information to GRUB. You also need to pass it to the kernel.

Title Slackware
root (hd0,2)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/hda3 ro
might work. If you are using a generic slackware kernel, you also need an initial ramdisk to boot reiserfs. See /boot/README.initrd.
If you can boot into ubuntu, you can mount your slackware partition by:

su -
[provide root password]
mount /dev/hda3 /mnt/hd -t reiserfs
Edit: tuxrules types faster than I do!

chagocota 12-31-2006 12:55 AM

Similar to what tuxrules posted:


title Slackware 11.0 (
root (hd0,2)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda3

This is working for my dual boot with an existing Fedora 5 and grub installation. :twocents:

gawain 12-31-2006 07:07 AM

Hi, thanks a lot to everybody for helping. :p


title Slackware
root (hd0,2)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda3 ro
This works! I don't understand what ro stands for. :scratch:


If you are using a generic slackware kernel, you also need an initial ramdisk to boot reiserfs. See /boot/README.initrd.
I've seen the file README.initrd. and read it, but I don't know how I can know if I use a generic kernel.


If you can boot into ubuntu, you can mount your slackware partition by:
su -
[provide root password]
mount /dev/hda3 /mnt/hd -t reiserfs
This too works, but I can't write on it and I can't read every folder (for instance the folder DESKTOP)

PROBLEM: mouse doesn't work, so I have to move via tab and ALT+Letter/number:confused: :confused: but maybe I'm supposed to post a new topic for this problem

Thanks a bunch and happy new year by a supernew

TSquaredF 12-31-2006 10:24 PM


I don't understand what ro stands for.
ro=read only. It is remounted rw during the boot process.
Generic kernel: If you can boot using the listed Slackware stanza, you don't have to worry about this.
Mounting Slackware partition: Mount the partition, then issue the command "chroot /mnt/hda3". This will set the system up so that /mnt/hd becomes /. This will allow you to troubleshoot as necessary. Probably not necessary since you can now boot into the Slackware partition.
Mouse problem: Usually caused by not having the right modules to load or loaded. Ensure that the modules directory in /lib/modules is consistent with your kernel version.

Edit: Spelling

gawain 01-02-2007 02:09 AM

Thanks for repplying


Mouse problem: Usually caused by not having the right modules to load or loaded. Ensure that the modules directory in /lib/modules is consistent with your kernel version.
I just installed an usb mouse whereas I was supposed to set it up as ps/2 mouse. Now it works.

Bye by a :newbie:

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