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y0shi 10-19-2004 01:24 PM

nah i know they are correct.

usb mouse isn't working either but thats much less of an issue. hah

gotta just finish up this website and i can play around see if i can get online and such.

y0shi 10-19-2004 01:40 PM

k tried to install some of the missing packages... no go. looks like i got some bum cd's :-\
corrupted compressed files.

means i have to wait till i get home to download (not gonna sit here and wait for two hours...when i can leave in 20 mins ) them from elsewhere...i only need disc 1 and 2 correct ? 3 and 4 are just source...

shilo 10-19-2004 02:07 PM

correct. If you just have a few packages, just download those manually from a mirror and install that way.

Genesee 10-19-2004 02:09 PM

if you know exactly which pkgs are bad and there's only a few of them, you can just download them individually, no need to grab the entire iso...

y0shi 10-19-2004 02:09 PM

i'm a'm typing to you now from slackware.... whee

so i'll just download the 2 cd's and once i get everyting up and going...i'll just do a clean install....thats just how i am. little bit of OCD in me ;-) should see how well i can line up my remotes.

*** it was more than a few packages.....7 just off the first cd, more than 10 from the second***

shilo 10-19-2004 03:04 PM

Try getting your ISOs from one of these.

y0shi 10-19-2004 03:12 PM

k, downloading right now(wow kick @ss speed)....muh dad just showed up....tossed me his older pIII hp laptop..whee...o the fun i can have tonight !!!

i'll post back when i have done a re-install....also should i just install over the existing install? or have linux reformat partitions b4 it installs....screw it i'll just have it format...why not.

shilo ty for all of your help, hopefully i can get this licked...your tutorial helps a lot...its a great asset to this board...gj

y0shi 10-19-2004 11:53 PM

yeee haw..

well downloaded and installed slack 10 on that HP my dad tossed my way. Just need a ram upgrade and i wireless card that works in linux and i'll be more than well on my way. gonna upgrade and shit tomorrow.....ty for all the help...i'll keep posting in this thread so that way there will be a nice big library as to what i have done for other people who like to search b4 they post ( much like myself, but some times i get lazy ) btw....i'm running KDE and i think it's overly graphic intensive for what i need, i've already turned all the fancy shit off ( i'm familiar with kde, pretty familiar with gnome also...m first linux install back in the day was redhat for dual booting with windows...hrmm was it 3.1 ? mighta been 98 ( not SE ) ) do i change my default and which one should i use....1GHz proc 128 RAM....gonna bump that up to 512 prolly.

not that KDE runs slow, but i think a different X system would run faster....but i haven't noticed any issues yet...very low ram/cpu usage compared to if i put windows xp on here i'de be ghost typing right now :-P

another thing i noticed...i need to figure out how i can make my touch pad my default mouse, and also have a usb mouse....i tried it just having a usb and of course startx errored when it wasn't there....and now the touch pad does nothing. do i just add another mouse in xorg ? i'll try that, see if it helps.

-X- 10-20-2004 05:46 AM

I see you're having fun and good luck with Slackware. KDE loves RAM. 256M will do wonders for it. 512M even better. I have a 64M server and when I need a GUI I run Fluxbox. Gotten to like the thing.

To change GUI, type: xwmconfig.

Your touch pad will work, but with two devices you'll need another entry in the conf. Some mouse guru will show up I'm sure.

y0shi 10-20-2004 06:18 AM

ahh cool, if all i need is a second mouse entery in the xorg config then i can do that no sweat...and ty for the gui change tip....i'll check out flux

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