1st- Hey everybody
2nd - Heres the deal, I've been trying to get my BIND server to run at startup. I uncommented some lines in the /etc/rc.d/rc.inet2 file to start it up. Seconds I created a user/group called named /w ID of 200 so that named could use it to fire things up. Third I did a chown on every file I could think of that BIND uses.
Unfortunatly even if I dont get errors at startup the service doesnt start. On the other hand, when I use /usr/sbin/named -u root in the rc script everything starts up nice and easy, but the goal of the exercise here is to make BIND more secure, so I dont want that.
I want it to work correctly before putting the whole thing in a chroot jail, adding dhcpd and linking all that stuff togheter.
Thanks for your time