GDM Broken After Upgrade Via Swaret
After upgrading some packages, X not longer starts normally. It tries, then errors saying that an X server is already running, do I want to try another display. Answering yes or no causes the same symptom, restart attempt and fails.
Killing all GDM pids and running startx gets me into KDE. I normally run XCFE4 from GDM.
XFree86.log said that there were multiple X servers running and no screens defined (paraphrasing as the log has been overwritten.
Packages upgraded:
Mar 20 14:14 atk-1.6.0-i486-1.tgz
Mar 20 14:14 coreutils-5.2.1-i486-1.tgz
Mar 20 14:16 gimp-2.0pre4-i486-1.tgz
Mar 20 14:16 glib2-2.4.0-i486-1.tgz
Mar 20 14:17 gtk+2-2.4.0-i486-1.tgz
Mar 20 14:17 pango-1.4.0-i486-1.tgz
What can I do to further diagnose?
Anyone else having trouble with one of these packages? If so, which ones might I downgrade and to what?
note to self: Do not blindly upgrade just because swaret says that you can.