Fuse exfat problems
SO a while ago I decided to switch to Slackware as my main OS on all my machines, but I keep a Windows 8 partition (NTFS) for gaming only (bought two Xbox 360 wireless controllers for when my nephew comes over).
At the time I wanted to have my data available to both Windows and Linux so I chose to format the data partitions with ex-fat since I haven't had the cash to setup a dedicated NAS just yet. I now realize that this was a big mistake as ex-fat has been a PITA! So I have chose to migrate all 5TB of data to ext4 partitions.
I was almost finished then I started getting this error quite often, "Transport endpoint is not connected" only with the last, and of coarse the largest 2 TB ex-fat partition. The only way to get it to work after this message is to reboot and then it happens again shortly, and quite sporadically after accessing the drive. I was hoping someone with the expertise could aide me in my plight.
Last edited by bmarley83; 01-22-2014 at 12:53 PM.