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Old 06-03-2006, 01:40 PM   #16
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: New Hampshire
Distribution: Xubuntu 16.04
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Thanks for the reply. I changed "defaults" in fstab to match your suggestion. I used "defaults" because that's how I entered it in fstab in Slack on my former primary hdd (the 20GB drive) and it worked fine (still does). /mnt/win98 does exist.

This kernel is not a custom kernel. It's just as the installation configured it and I haven't altered it in any way.

hda1 is fat32, in fact I just checked it again to be sure.

Here is what I get for output from "dmesg |grep hda1"

hda: hda1 hda2 hda3 hda4 < hda5 hda6 >
I created the directory /mnt/test and tried to mount /dev/hda1 there with "mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt/test" and got this again:

mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda1, or too many mounted file systems
While typing this, it occurred to me that the only difference between the configyration on this hdd and its predecessor is the presence of the Red Hat partition. I don't know if that could have something to do with it or not. I am able to read the fat32 partition on hdb just fine and when I boot to Win98 on hda, I can see the Win98 partition on hdb. Hmmm. Thanks for the input. This is a damn puzzler.
Old 06-17-2006, 05:06 PM   #17
Registered: Sep 2003
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Smile /etc/fstab issues solved!

Hi folks,

The problem is solved. When I set up the Windoze partition, I should've set up a "Win95 FAT32 (LBA)" partition (note: I used Linux fdisk). What I had setup was a "Win95 FAT32" partition, which was incorrect for this drive. /dev/hda is now of the former type (with LBA support enabled in the BIOS) and I can read it from Linux without a problem. I guess I should've done a little more homework. On a related note, Windoze read my drive as FAT16 (and only formatted 2GB of the partition's 18GB capacity), until I changed the partition type, now Windoze reads it correctly. Thanks to you all for your support and assistance. It's great to know there are so many people out there eager to help those in need. This experience is further evidence to me that I need to distance myself from Micro$oft products.

Last edited by whitshade; 06-17-2006 at 05:10 PM.
Old 06-18-2006, 06:45 AM   #18
Registered: Dec 2002
Location: UK
Distribution: Slackware 12; Ubuntu 7.10
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Rep: Reputation: 32
Originally Posted by whitshade
I should've set up a "Win95 FAT32 (LBA)" partition (note: I used Linux fdisk)
Well I don't like to say "I told you so" ... oh alright then, yes I do!!



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