environment variables and gdm problem
My problem is that the environment variables, PATH most obviously, are not being set as I think they should be. Further, I have observed some behavior I don't understand.
I boot into run level 4, which brings me to the gdm login screen. I login as a normal user, carl, and open an xterm window on the desktop. To keep matters simple, I have no .bashrc or .bash_profile or .profile in my /home/carl directory. So, shouldn't I expect my PATH variable to be as it is set in /etc/profile? Well, it's not.
So I do a whoami and I get carl.
I echo $PATH and I get a very short path (which is missing a lot of directories I'd like to have), not the path that is set in /etc/profile.
I su - carl and login.
I do a whoami and I get carl.
I echo $PATH and I get the string I would expect to see, as set in /etc/profile.
So, it seems when I login via gdm the PATH variable is getting assigned from somewhere else than /etc/profile. Any ideas where?
I know I can probably solve the problem by customizing a .bashrc in my ~ directory, but I'd like to get to the bottom of what is happening now and why.