Originally posted by deveraux83
I just installed slackware 10.1 and am running the 2.4.29 kernel using the latest ATI drivers on their website for xorg v6.8. Anyway, I now want to set my computer up for dual monitor but have run into a problem. From various searches, I learnt that I had to use the 'Dual-Head' option for their drivers.
Everything went fine except that when I try to run X-Window, nothing will appear on either monitors and that's that. I know the pc is working as I can still shut down the system properly using Ctrl-Alt-Del, but I won't be able to see anything. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Another question, is X-Window capable of displaying 1680x1050? And if so, do I just edit the xorg.conf file and set it there? I can't test it on single mode since my other monitor can't do that resolution.
Thank you for your time guys!
1. Posting your xorg.conf here would help.
Please remove all the comments if possible
2. dual-head option is called xinerama in Xwindow.
3. Yes Xwindow is capable of displaying ANY resolution your graphic card is capable off.
4. Xwindow, xinerama supports different resolution on different "head/screen".
Post your xorg.conf and we will pick it up from there.
ps. This post may help you as well: