hotplug is probably trying to do this and there is no file that tells it "what" to load, but u can tell hotplug what NoT tO lOaD
edit /etc/hotplug/blacklist with your favorite editor (u will need to be root) and place the name of the module (without the .o or .c or whatever) on some new line anywhere in the file
make sure the line does NOT have a # before it (i did that and took me two days to figure out why the module i810_rng was still loading)
*edit: if u find that hotplug is a pain, then the above poster's way would work (just make sure u find out what modules hotplug is loading by doing lsmod and then put modprobe module module module in /etc/rc.d/rc.local; u can list the modules on one line)
also, to remove execution rights, i believe the command is chmod -x /etc/rc.d/rc.hotplug
i usually just edit rc.M and comment out the section for hotplug by placing # in front of all the commands