DRI - Best place to start?
I am trying to get dri setup with an Athlon 1500XP, Via 266 chipset, Kernel 2.4.20, XFree4.3.0 and a Radeon 7500 4x AGP and I am getting overwhelmed with it. Uncommenting the glx and dri sections along the the permissions did not work..
I briefly had the gatos drivers working after running the ./install.sh but found I had to run it each time to get glxinfo to show dri enabled = yes. glxgear went 190 -> 1300 but my joy was short lived. A google search to fix having to reload just showed others with the same problem. Some advise compiling agpgart in the kernel, others said as a module
My Google searches have added to my confusion. There appear to be several different radeon dri drivers out there gatos, schnieder firegl, ati's and the kernel. In the process of recompiling the kernel my alsa drivers were pooched and I had to reinstall them
What I am looking for is stable dri for dvd playback. I am not trying to squeeze the last fps out of my system.
Can someone point to me to a trustworthy resource for stable radeon dri?