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Old 05-14-2006, 10:46 AM   #1
Van Der Berg
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2006
Posts: 11

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DMA problem on laptop

i don't know if this question was answered on kernel 2.6 compile guide, but...
i have a problem enabling dma on my hard disk (i guess this is the reason why my slack 10.2 is running so sloooooooooooow). i have 2.4.31 and kernel, and when both kernel starts, at some point it says "warning! dma on your disk is disabled...blah blah". i've compiled the newest kernel and checked "enable dma by default", but when kernel starts, it is still disabled, and i can't ("don't now how", to be precise) enable it. when i try with hdparm -d1 /dev/hda, it say's that i don't have the right to do that...

i have a HP ZV6000 laptop with toshiba HD, and slack was the first distribution where i managed to fix everything to work, inculding enabling kde to start in 1280x800 (native resolution on my monitor) and installing ati drivers correct (it didn't work on feodra, ubuntu, mepis...), and it would be a shame if this little problem would stop me in becoming a hardcore slackware fan...
btw, i also have some problems with alsa, it can't find some modules which worked on 2.4 kernel...

i would be very grateful for any help...
Old 05-15-2006, 02:19 AM   #2
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Registered: Mar 2006
Distribution: SLACKWARE 4TW! =D
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Hi Van,

the hdparm is located in the /sbin folder.

you can only do "hdparm" changes as root while you are in console.

yes the "d1" switch would turn on the dma, however, you may? and I'm not sure have to go into your bios and see if you mobo has a feature to enable dma on the hard drive or not. Some laptops let you turn this on or off believe it or not.

when your in "X" go into console, su to root, and run

/sbin/hdparm -i /dev/hda
the "-i" is for information on /dev/hda and that code assume's that dev/hda is the hard drive that X is installed on.

that will tell you what the hard drive is running at. post it back here so we can see.

if you upgraded to 2.6 custom kernel that you made, you are suppose to compile your kerenel with your sound as modules.

assuming you did that when you are into X in your custom kernel open console up, su to root, and run alsaconfig again and you should be fine.
Old 05-15-2006, 03:00 AM   #3
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Location: Argentina (SR, LP)
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Also, be sure to compile the right chipset support in your kernel or you won't be able to activate it.
Old 05-15-2006, 12:38 PM   #4
Van Der Berg
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YIPI, I made it! Thank you guys, I found out that I was just too lazy to find the right module for my chipset and to load correct sound module. Now both DMA and Alsa are working, so now I have everything set up on Slackware...Until I'll try to set up wireless card, but that would be a question on another topic

Anyway, thanks a lot
Old 05-15-2006, 11:05 PM   #5
Senior Member
Registered: Mar 2006
Distribution: SLACKWARE 4TW! =D
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glad to hear it
Old 05-24-2006, 06:27 AM   #6
Registered: Jan 2006
Location: Ankara - Turkey
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Van Der Berg i have the same computer with you. And i am encountering the same problems. At boot it says that dma is turned off so the computer is sometimes so slow. when i try to issue(as root):
hdparm -d1 /dev/hda
it says that the operation is not permitted.
I have compiled the "enable dma by default" in the kernel. i have also compiled in all the chipsets as modules because i don't know which is mine.
And Old_Fogie, i have followed your instructions for ati. I have installed the 2.6.10 kernel and did all the other settings. and it didn't work. But my ati card is a pcie, i think it causes the problem.
Van Der Berg, could you send me how you did it all please?
Or anyone else has any suggestions?
Old 05-24-2006, 06:37 AM   #7
Registered: Oct 2005
Location: Australia
Distribution: slackware 12.1
Posts: 753

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check your lsmod output to know which module your chipset uses and try to find and include that module when you build your kernel.
Old 05-25-2006, 08:46 AM   #8
Van Der Berg
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2006
Posts: 11

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hi ErEn...
i just enabled ATI IXP chipset (i think), and suddenly dma was enabled on boot. maybe i also checked "enable dma only for disk", i don't really remember. i've never managed to turn on dma with hdparm. maybe i can send you my version of config for kernel by mail, if you can't manage it (if we really have the same computer, of course...HP ZV6000)...
Old 05-29-2006, 06:34 AM   #9
Registered: Jan 2006
Location: Ankara - Turkey
Distribution: Arch Linux
Posts: 39

Rep: Reputation: 15
Hi Van Der Berg,
I have a zv6248ea but it is written zv6000 on it. i guess, it is from pavilion zv6000 series. I would be really pleased if you could send me your config file by mail ( )
I also wonder how you have done your ati configuration, for weeks i am trying but no result. I will be really happy if you could tell me how you have done your x configuration too. Which kernel and what ati driver you have used? i guess you have the DRI working, right?


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