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Old 05-25-2006, 06:15 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2005
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difficulty with freenx

Hello. I've got slackware running on an old desktop, using it primarily for printing and as network storage. I was recently looking into different remote desktop type programs, so as to have my desktop available from different places. FreeNX looks like my best option, speed-wise, but I can't get it working.

There was a package on, and I installed it, and everything seems happy, but when I try to connect it times out. The server is slackware 10.2, and I've tried to connect from both Windows XP and this laptop (which is also Slackware 10.2... I've had a good time getting things working, but this time I don't seem to have any success with google.)

here's the feedback from the client. i don't really know what to do on the server... afraid i'm still too newbie at this.

NX> 203 NXSSH running with pid: 3295
NX> 285 Enabling check on switch command
NX> 285 Enabling skip of SSH config files
NX> 200 Connected to address: on port: 22
NX> 202 Authenticating user: nx
NX> 208 Using auth method: publickey
HELLO NXSERVER - Version 1.4.0-44 OS (GPL)
NX> 105 hello NXCLIENT - Version 1.5.0
NX> 134 Accepted protocol: 1.5.0
NX> 105 login
NX> 101 User: personman
NX> 102 Password:
NX> 103 Welcome to: slack user: personman
NX> 105 listsession --user="personman" --status="suspended,running" --geometry="1024x768x24+render" --type="unix-kde"
NX> 127 Sessions list of user 'personman' for reconnect:

Display Type Session ID Options Depth Screen Status Session Name
------- ---------------- -------------------------------- -------- ----- -------------- ----------- ------------------------------

NX> 148 Server capacity: not reached for user: personman
NX> 105 startsession --session="slackserver-inside" --type="unix-kde" --cache="8M" --images="32M" --cookie="******" --link="wan" --kbtype="pc105/us" --nodelay="1" --encryption="1" --backingstore="when_requested" --geometry="1024x738" --media="0" --agent_server="" --agent_user="" agent_password="******"" --screeninfo="1024x738x24+render"

NX> 1000 NXNODE - Version 1.4.0-44 OS (GPL)
NX> 700 Session id: slack-1017-2E6DC3E3819EAE9DEEF3343EF3483DB8
NX> 705 Session display: 1017
NX> 703 Session type: unix-kde
NX> 701 Proxy cookie: 047d34c9f482a3baa95a0bc5d288e667
NX> 702 Proxy IP:
NX> 706 Agent cookie: 047d34c9f482a3baa95a0bc5d288e667
NX> 704 Session cache: unix-kde
NX> 707 SSL tunneling: 1
NX> 1004 Error: Session did not start.
NX> 504 Session startup failed.
NX> 999 Bye
Killed by signal 15.

also, sometimes the bits about session not starting and session startup failing are omitted.

on my desktop (winxp) it hangs at "setting up the x environment" but i'm not totally sure that's relevant, because i've got some weird ethernet card problems on there... in any case, thanks for any help

Last edited by l33t_c0w; 05-25-2006 at 06:17 PM.
Old 05-26-2006, 09:53 AM   #2
Alien Bob
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There is a mailing list for FreeNX here: since this is not really a Slackware-related question. You'll get more response from that list.

By the way, I could not find that package you're refering to at

Old 05-26-2006, 10:21 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
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My mistake. I got the package from here:

Sorry if this is the wrong forum. I'll try my luck with the mailing list. Thanks for the help.
Old 05-26-2006, 12:13 PM   #4
Alien Bob
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A yes, that is my package :-) I already wondered, since I never saw another freenx package online so far.
Can't help you much with your problem since I no longer work with FreeNX - the mailing list is quite active though (I am subscribed to it). If I install the nx and freenx packages, everything works - but don't forget to examine the node.conf to see if you need to change any parameters for your box. What release of Slackware for instance?

Old 05-27-2006, 02:19 PM   #5
LQ Newbie
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oh god...

err.. yeah. the nx package.

Just incase anybody else is looking at this thread with interest, it's worth the note that I didn't install the nx package.

and I thought I'd seen other people do dumb stuff...
With this post, I crown myself King of Stupid.


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