Dial up help. Using PPP command line as non root.
Ok I set up ppp using pppsetup. Previously I had used Kppp but I really didn't like the way things were going in it. Using kppp in KDE was ok because I could just have the "window" curl up into a panel. In gnome it doesn't do that and I think kde sucks so I like gnome. Gnome has a nice little thing called Modem Lights. I really like this, so I would love to be able to dial in and terminate the dial up connection as a normal user. My wife has slowly been weened to come and play in linux and I have set up a nice gnome session that is nice and purple! I have also set up GDM and she can log me out and log herself in pretty easy. Long story short, it doesn't make much sense to log one user out and log anther in and re-dial up to the internet when both users were going to be online. Using ppp-go is nice because I can use it with modem lights, the pppd isn't terminated between user sessions, but no normal user can start it up or terminate it. Is there a way to make this happen?