I don't distribute 'branded' firefox or mozilla builds. They are simply builds like you get when you legally compile your own.
About building minimo:
Normally to build minimo you'd use the full mozilla or sea monkey sources making sure you have all the minimo project files. The build is nearly as long as a full build and there is no script or command to properly install it or make a package.
I found an easy way to produce a minimo browser, though. Just replace the source files for the gtk embedded browser with those for the minimo browser(including a pixmap and header for minimo).
If you want a minimo-only installation you still have to create the package manually and it's not easy to do, at least if you want it to be smaller than a firefox installation. I did however hoave it down to around 7-8MB total, by statically-compiling the components into the (9MB)binary, compressing it to 4MB with UPX, eliminating unused libs and stripping unused chrome, etc. There are scripts available to sort of do this, but they are written to create packages/installs for minimo for WindowsCE. I've never finished creating a script to do it all -it's maddening to work with mozilla and since my 'fast' machine is a 333MHz PII it's never a treat to experiment with moz.