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Old 08-27-2002, 12:17 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2002
Location: texas
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 3

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Question CPU Speed? I dosn't like what I have!

I am in a quagmire...I finally got Slackware 8.1 to install. However, I am running an Intel 500MHz (100) processor, but to get it to install I had to drop it to 333MHz (66). I am at a loss as to why this would happen.

I am running:
Abit BE6 mobo
128 MB RAM
UDMA/66 (Primary, Master) Western Digital 40 GB HD w/2 partitions for Windows 98SE
(Slave) Quantum 6.5 GB HD w/4 partitions for Linux
2 CD-ROMs on Primary IDE channel

The system runs fine under Windows; it dosn't crash any more than any other Windows PC.

Before I lowered the processor speed I would get machine check exceptions such as:

CPU0:Machine check exception:0000000000000004
Bank 3:b20000000002010a
kernel panic:cpu context corrupt
In interrupt handler - not syncing

Or it would reboot or freeze during installing packages. Now I have it installed and it runs fine but I have to change the CPU speed in BIOS between Windows and Linux.

I tested the CPU with Hot CPU Tester Pro 3 for 12 hours and it checks out OK. If I try to boot Linux with the CPU set at 500MHz it gives a kernel panic.

Does anybody have any idea what would cause this and what I might do to make it use all of my CPU.

I am NEW to Linux and I haven't gotten every thing working yet (printer, modem, XFree86) because I have been trying to figure out this problem.


Old 08-27-2002, 12:49 AM   #2
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I would suspect that dropping the front side bus to 66 MHz is the area to question. Are you sure that all of your RAM is PC100 and not PC66? If the RAM is multiple DIMMS, like (2) 64 MByte, then try removing one and then the other. Testing each DIMM individually at full 100 MHz. Also check out the CPU fan to make sure it is cooling properly and that the CPU is seated good. I think for a PII 500 it would be a slot 1 CPU that inserts like a card does.

I have seen alot of circumstances that Win98 appears to run OK but Linux, 2K Pro, and NT4 will fail to even boot. There are a lot differences in how they function in regards to timing issues.

Good luck.
Old 08-27-2002, 09:14 AM   #3
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Is your CPU a 500mhz or were you overclocking it?
Old 08-27-2002, 11:55 PM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2002
Location: texas
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 3

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Thanks for the reply,

I have a single 128MB PC100. I will check for the seating of the CPU; the fan seems to be cooling properly.

No, I have not ever overclocked the CPU. I can't afford to replace it when it fries.

Thanks again for your information.
Old 08-28-2002, 01:52 AM   #5
Senior Member
Registered: Jun 2002
Location: Northern VA, USA
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Since your problem may not be related to directly to Slack and more toward the hardware. I think LQ has a hardware forum as well. Might get more assistance there.


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