configuring X/geforce4
Video card: Nvidia GeForce4 ti4200 with Slackware 8.1
I have a list of 800 video chipsets to choose from while configuring X but which do I choose? The only Nvidia one is GeForce, and when I used that there was no color at console (blue for dirs) and X wouldn't start (after selecting linux in LILO screen just went blank with no console or the scrolling screen of things being set up like eth0). I'm not looking for 3D acceleration, just to get X up and running. First time Slack user and been trying to figure out different configs to get a gui for a few days now.
Also, says to use SuperProbe to determine video card info, but I keep getting bash: command not found (yes I was root).
This may be stupid to ask, but I've just switched to slack and I'm only use to SuSE and Red Hat, which autoconfigures X.
Last edited by snocked; 03-02-2003 at 04:37 PM.