Forgive me if this is something simple but I am a very new user to LINUX
(finally tired of Windows
I have installed Slackware 10.2 and everything is running fine but I have a couple of issues which I am unable to resolve.
First is the Console Font which during Install I set to 1024x768 and now realise is too small for my aging eye-sight
so I wanted to switch back to 800x600 (or bigger).
The second issue is LILO Boot prompts; I chose the newbie option for this during install and it's put two prompts one for Windows (there aint no Window here brother, just FAT disks) and then LINUX but the default is Windows (so if I leave to boot automatically I get an error).
I've tried fixing both these issues by changing LILO.conf in /etc (set vga=normal and commented out the 1024 and removed the Windows Partition altogether) but neither of these changes seem to have kicked in (i.e. it's the same as when I installed) and I'm not sure why
*** Sorry should have said have rebooted several times since changing the file!
Is there something else I need to change?
Finally this is probably a really stupid question but this initial install is basic Console (no GUI, no X etc..) but if I want to add (for example KDE) later can I do this from the machine or do I need the Install disk and run SETUP again (and if I do will it only install additions not overwrite the whole system
Thanks in advance for any help with what I imagine are very silly questions for you Linux Masters out there