Ok, ignore the PC in my sig.
I have Slackware64 14.1 installed on an AMD Phenom II x4, 12GB ram, nvidia gtx260. Default kernel. It is installed on a physical hard drive. It is dual booted with Win7 64. It's an SSD so latency is a non-issue.
I've been able to boot it within Windows 7 64 with VMWare. The problem is the resolution is 1280x768 by default. I can change it to other resolutions, but I have to do
THIS in order to change the resolution to 1920x1080 so I can go full screen. I want a permanent solution.
I've swapped in and out a bunch of different drivers (fbdev, vesa, nvidia, vmwgyx, vwware) via xorg.conf, either they fail to load or have had no effect. I've tried vmware-config-tools.pl, but it has no effect either. And I've tried adding a simple script to .fluxbox/startup containing the commands from the above guide, but that doesn't work either.
So...anyone have any idea how to get set it to 1920x1080?