KDE does not seem to see it and there was nothing in the /etc/fstab file that said anything about a second cdrom drive.
so do edit the fstab, that is the solution here i wil show u how to edit it
first do a "dmesg |grep CD " or dmesg |more and scroll down and see what device is assigned.
(master cdrom hda, slave cdrom hdb, and hard drive hdc)....
are u sure?? i dont think so!!!

anyway scroll the dmesg out and find the devices
master cdrom is taken, so no problem
if u found that ur slave cdrom is "/dev/hdb" we wil edit the fstab like this
[CODE]/dev/hdb /mnt/cd-rw auto noauto,user,ro 0 0[\CODE]for this u must need a dir called "/mnt/cd-rw"
still some more issues may come according to wether u are using 2.4 or 2.6 kernel, regarding cd writting if u are using 2.4 please reply
do a "dmesg |grep usb " or dmesg |more and scroll down and see what device is assigned.
if u dont have a scsi or sata disk most of the time the usb will be /dev/sda1, i hope ue usb will be vfat and u have a /mnt/usb dir. with all these im mind i will edit the fstab as
/dev/sda1 /mnt/usb vfat noauto,rw,umask=000 1 0
now plug the usb in and do a mount command (mount /mnt/usb)or click on the relevent icon in "mycomputer" in ur fav. KDE.

note: if /dev/sda1 is not the device then /dev/sda2 or /dev/sdb1 may be, then edit fstab like that
edit:before doing all this, see wether hotpugging is enabled! happy slacking