means something to do with frame buffer support
and the graphix drivers (in the device driver section)
do an lspci, note the devices and compile according to tht,
this is my small how to on kernel compile
download the kernel source to ur home/build/ dir
say /home/xxxx/build (u have a dir called build in home. $mkdir build ..wil do)
now u r in /home/xxxx/build$,
$wget -c
$tar -xvjf linux-2.6.15.tar.bz2
(if needed, u can create a simlink as we do in /usr/src,
$ln -sf linux-2.6.15/ linux)
$cd linux-2.6.15/ directory, then issue:
$ make menuconfig (from text node)
{make xconfig or gconfig, i do gconfig
-both this are for xwindow}
(make your changes then save the file)
--->how simple!! it will take some time if doing first time,
if u read the helps a day week ....
$ make
then su to root and
# cp /boot/ ; ln -sf /boot/ /boot/S
# make modules_install
# cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15
# lilo <----before doing this edit lilo
# reboot <--if u want to try this kernel
editin lilo
image = /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15
root = /dev/hda1 <-- put your / (root/boot) partition here
label = 2.6.15 <-- or lin2.6