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Old 03-08-2006, 05:10 AM   #16
Registered: Jul 2004
Distribution: Void Linux, former Slackware
Posts: 498

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Originally Posted by enine
Yes, upgraded everything in KDE and X (the arts package is in the KDE folder)
AFAIK arts package is _not_ in 'kde' folder but in 'l' subdirectory.
Old 03-08-2006, 07:17 AM   #17
Registered: Feb 2006
Location: Bridgend, Wales
Distribution: Kubuntu 10.04.25 (Feb 2011)
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I removed all my KDE packages.

I downloaded the suite from slackware-current. The accompanying install script and stock pkgtool fail to install the .tgz files - pkgtool just dumps me out to the prompt again.

I installed the .tgz files by hand using "installpkg kdexx.tgz". When I then 'startx', I get the error that kdestart can't be found (which is a nonsense as it sits in /opt/kde/bin). When I run kdestart from there, I get an X server running, with an error in a dialogue box stating kdeinit error.

Gnome now fires up with a shed-laod of dialogue box error (something about display pictures not being found blah blah blah; all my desktop icons are nondescript).

All this to get f**king sound working properly for regular users. If KDE isn't working by tonight then Linux is going to get zapped and repartitioned for XP again. 3 weeks on and I still don't have a system that users can use. I know Linux (and Slack in particular) can require some hard graft put in to get it up and running, but this is just ridiculous. All I wanted was artsd not to crash...

I even compiled on the 5th March, only to find that .6 was the latest stable kernel, available on the 6th March. In 3 weeks I've compiled 2.4.29, 2.6.10, and - and I'm still out of date, with a system that doesn't run X properly.

</end rant>

Last edited by __spc__; 03-08-2006 at 07:24 AM.
Old 03-08-2006, 08:36 PM   #18
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not for flash disk, but i have made an alias to make my life simpler, so just open up a terminal, and type the alias, and it will be mounted. I don't have other external devices beside my flash disk, so i'm fine with it now


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