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Old 08-07-2006, 01:57 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2005
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Can't connect to Internet after attempting home web server with Dyndns

Hello everyone. I have had Slackware installed for quite some time now, thanks to Shilo's sticky "This is how I do it all". Recently, I attempted to get a http server running on my computer. I got a Dyndns account, set up my router for it, and used netconfig to match my domain and host names with those in my dyndns account. After I had done all this, I went to my dyndns site and got the Apache page. I had done it! So next I wanted to figure out the mail server. I went to click on the link and got an error. Then I tried another site. Again. Firefox and Konqueror were giving me "cannot connect to server" errors for every site that wasn't local. So now the web server seems to work, but I can't get on the net. I tried to undo what I had done on netconfig to no avail. Has anyone seen this problem before? Thanks in advance, Joe.
Old 08-07-2006, 02:10 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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Try to see if you can ping any sites by IP address rather than name. If you can, it's your dns that's playing up. If not, it's probably something else.

Let us know how this goes.
Old 08-07-2006, 10:48 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
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Well I tried what you recommended. I went to instead of, and it worked (well it got there, but there were no pictures. I'm not sure if that's just a side-effect by using the IP address). So I guess its a problem with DNS. Thanks for the help so far.
Old 08-08-2006, 10:33 AM   #4
Registered: Mar 2005
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Originally Posted by istheman5
Hello everyone. I have had Slackware installed for quite some time now, thanks to Shilo's sticky "This is how I do it all". Recently, I attempted to get a http server running on my computer. I got a Dyndns account, set up my router for it, and used netconfig to match my domain and host names with those in my dyndns account. After I had done all this, I went to my dyndns site and got the Apache page. I had done it! So next I wanted to figure out the mail server. I went to click on the link and got an error. Then I tried another site. Again. Firefox and Konqueror were giving me "cannot connect to server" errors for every site that wasn't local. So now the web server seems to work, but I can't get on the net. I tried to undo what I had done on netconfig to no avail. Has anyone seen this problem before? Thanks in advance, Joe.
I'm no expert but my understanding is that dyndns is not your Internet Service Provider, which means it does not provide DNS for you, only for others to find your IP address.
So you should not make any changes with netconfig. If your ISP is using DHCP then that's what you use in netconfig.
You can use your dyndns name in Apache httpd.conf under ServerName though so Apache answers all requests that are addressed to your dyndns host name.
So basicaly you use your dyndns host name in services (servers) you run that are accessed from outside, like apache, ftp etc.
Let me know if that makes sense.
Old 08-08-2006, 04:22 PM   #5
LQ Guru
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Location: Sydney, Australia
Distribution: Fedora, CentOS, OpenSuse, Slack, Gentoo, Debian, Arch, PCBSD
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Rep: Reputation: 122Reputation: 122
Can you please post the output of

# cat /etc/resolv.conf.

If should have the nameservers listed that your system uses to resolve names tio IP addresses. These should be the ones given to you by your ISP, and should not have changed by using dyndns as noted above


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