Bind (DNS server named) starts and kills? again
I have configured /etc/named.conf and the zone files which i have set in named.conf.
When i start up bind i can see in /var/log/messages
named(4635): starting BIND 9.3.1
named(4635): loading configuration from /etc/named.conf
And thatīs all, so it looks like BIND is up and running, but when i search for the procress number or for "named" (using ps aux | grep bind | grep -v grep (or grep PID) right after i started bind the process isnīt there. So it seems if BIND starts up and stopps after starting up. But i donīt know why as there are no other messages.
Does anybody know if there are some problems with the package "bind-9.3.1-i486-1" which comes with Slackware 10.2?
What could i do to see if there are any errors if i donīt get any further messages that the one i have (see on top)?