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deretsigernu 01-07-2021 08:40 AM

/bin/bash error after kernel image updated
1 Attachment(s)
I installed 14.2 64 from LiveSlak via setup2hd to a laptop that dual boots Win10. After the install, rebooted and used the LiveSlak again, this time to mount the new installation and chroot and then install GRUB2. I unmounted everything and rebooted and got into the new installation just fine. I edited slackpkg blacklist to suppress kernel changes. I then upgraded slackpkg itself. Then I used


slackpkg update
slackpkg upgrade-all

Once slackpkg downloaded everything, it tried to install the new packages and it looks like none of them could install because /bin/bash is missing somehow.

There was no error about /bin/bash until after slackpkg apparently started to install the packages it downloaded.

There is also a message that the kernel image was updated and I don't know how, since I indicated in the blacklist to suppress any updates of the kernel. I tried to open another terminal window to just look in a directory and that returned an error as well.

I made a screen shot of the two terminal windows with the errors I've mentioned and it is attached.

Everything I just described happened prior to what I ran into yesterday. Yesterday, I did not keep track of any of this, even though I thought the problem yesterda was because I forgot to edit the blacklist. Today, I made sure to edit that before running slackpkg update. So I don't know what's going on. I have a feeling if I reboot, which I haven't done yet, I'll get a kernel panic, because that was what yesterday's post was about. Can someone tell me how to fix this please? At the moment, the system is up, but it seems bricked, since apps don't start or open, so I imagine I'll have to reboot to a kernel panic, but I don't know that for sure.

Chuck56 01-07-2021 08:59 AM

One of the errors says /usr/bin/tput is not found. Did you install the ncurses package? If you have less than a full install of Slackware then it requires the admin to understand what is missing and add those packages as needed.

Edit: After reviewing your previous post it appears you did not have the right mounts in place when you launched slackpkg. That would explain the mass of missing file errors.

deretsigernu 01-07-2021 09:15 AM

Does the graphical aspect of slackpkg run on ncurses? That worked when I was using slackpkg.

When the LiveSlak setup2hd installs Slackware, it doesn't provide a verbose version of the installation. But it does give a message at the end that only 19 of 21 modules(?), they could have been called something else, was installed. I don't how it decides which of the 21 modules(?) it will install. Also, I don't know what are the 19 that are installed and the 2 that are not installed, so in other words, I don't know if ncurses is included or not. When I ran setup2hd, I just ran that as is. I probably need to go back and do it again and run it verbosely, because now, I can't tell what's installed at all.

deretsigernu 01-07-2021 09:25 AM

In reply to Chuck56's edit:

Hmmm... I have a few partitions, because of an existing Win10 install on the same computer. The Slackware root is sda5 and the boot is on sda2. So when I chroot from LiveSlak, I mounted those devices as /mnt/tmp... to install GRUB2. Once I exit the chroot and unmount those points, I reboot and there are no problems. I can boot Slackware, connect to internet, open docs, etc. If those partitions aren't mounted correctly, wouldn't I have problems to begin with? I'm not trying to be sarcastic, that's an honest question. I thought if the OS booted without problems and ran apps, it was all in working order, but the way I understand what you wrote in the edit, the OS wasn't installed/mounted properly to start. Am I understanding that correctly?

Chuck56 01-07-2021 09:28 AM

Yes, incorrect mounts will cause similar errors.

deretsigernu 01-07-2021 09:32 AM

No, I did not see any warnings or errors about disk space.

From the mirror file, line 51:

# Slackware64-14.2

Even though it's commented out here (I'm on a different computer), I uncommented and used the one here.

deretsigernu 01-07-2021 09:35 AM

Now I'm picture you saying, 'that's the wrong mirror, numbnuts'. XD

Of course, I don't know you and don't mean to make you sound like a rude or negative person. I'm just being humorous. :)

Chuck56 01-07-2021 10:16 AM

Can you provide the output of "mount" and "lsblk"? That would help with troubleshooting.

deretsigernu 01-07-2021 10:29 AM

Dangit! The power strip that the computer was plugged into wasn't on and the battery ran out. I can't restart now without a kernel panic. I have to install again. Thanks for your help. I'll leave this thread unsolved for now. Once I run though the install and slackpkg updates, if there is another problem similar to what just happened, I'll come back with the mount and lsblk info.

deretsigernu 01-07-2021 01:54 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I have made another install with LiveSlak. I chrooted and installed GRUB2. I edited the slackpkg blacklist and mirror files. I updated slackpkg itself, but nothing else. I rebooted and there were no problems. I ran the mount and lsblk commands after rebooting. I took a shot of the output and attached that shot here. The next step, where I run

slackpkg upgrade-all
seems to be where things go wrong.

Chuck56 01-07-2021 05:09 PM

Try running:

slackpkg install slackware64
Does it discover any packages?

deretsigernu 01-08-2021 09:09 PM

Yes, it does return a list of packages. That list is completely different from the list that I was seeing before. Before, the list started withe Cython... and now when I use the command you give, it starts with Thunar. The new list is MUCH shorter than the list I was seeing before. The list I was seeing before when the problem started, also included bin and bash. This list does not include those packages. At this point, I'm on my third or 4th try at installing on this computer. All the previous tries failed after I ran "slackpkg upgrade-all", which I did after I rebooted from LiveSlak, updated slackpkg itself, and then edited the slackpkg mirror and blacklist files after the slackpkg upgrade.

Something that keeps happening is that there is a message after running "slackpkg upgrade-all" that says "Your kernel image was updated." I don't know how that happens, because the kernels are blacklisted in the blacklist file.

There is something else I have noticed. I thought that the LiveSlak installed 14.2, but it seems to actually install -current? I don't remember when I downloaded this ISO, but it's at least since August. Using this version, I installed it on a computer a few months. Then, since I thought it was 14.2, I set the mirror on that computer to a 14.2 mirror and that computer has updated fine over the last few months. But yesterday, I don't know what prompted me, but I looked at the directory for LiveSlak here: and most of the versions there are -current. So maybe that's my problem: I'm updating/upgrading from 14.2 mirror when it should be a -current mirror? But if that's the case, I don't know why the other computer runs fine when it's set to use a 14.2 mirror for slackpkg.

Chuck56 01-08-2021 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by deretsigernu (Post 6205579)
So maybe that's my problem: I'm updating/upgrading from 14.2 mirror when it should be a -current mirror? But if that's the case, I don't know why the other computer runs fine when it's set to use a 14.2 mirror for slackpkg.

Glad you figured it all out. Mixing releases is a sure fire way to a non-functional system.

deretsigernu 01-09-2021 11:45 AM

I set the mirror to one of the -current repos. I get this message. I don't know if that's normal?


bash-5.0# slackpkg update

You have selected a mirror for Slackware -current in /etc/slackpkg/mirrors,
but Slackware version 14.2+ appears to be installed.

Slackware -current is the development (i.e. unstable) tree.

Is this really what you want?

To confirm your choice, press Y, else press N. Then, press Enter:
This confuses me. Should I be using this kind of mirror?

bassmadrigal 01-09-2021 06:31 PM

Slackware Live is -current or 14.2+. They are the same thing. I think when Slackware Live was originally released, Eric provided an ISO for 14.2, but that's long since gone away. (BTW, just so you're aware, liveslak is the name of the scripts used for Slackware Live, but the name of the bootable OS itself is Slackware Live.)

You definitely need to have your mirror set to -current or you'll replace -current packages with their 14.2 counterparts and problems will likely ensue.

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