Edit: To save newcomers time, the correct problem begins at
post No. 8. The original post is not applicable because the -l option applies to batch and not to at. Apparently at is running the scheduled jobs but in an unexpected manner.
I believe I stumbled across some bugs with the at daemon.
One bug I hope Pat agrees can be fixed in the rc.M script.
The default Slackware startup for atd is hard-coded to -l 1. From what I have read, a general rule of thumb nowadays is setting that value to at least the number of CPU cores.
I stumbled across this bug with my HTPC. I use atd to start TV recordings. This works fine 99% of the time. Yet my scheduled recordings occasionally never triggered. There never were log entries. No clues other than a mysterious system mail that I never could trace the source. Just nothing happened.
Last night the same thing happened. Because of the utter lack of log entries, I proceeded in my research with the presumption the at daemon was not executing, despite ps indicating the daemon was running.
I read the atd man page --- with a vague explanation of the -l option. Curious, I wondered whether my using xbmc during the time of the scheduled recording had any effect.
I ran top in another console while running xbmc and a DVD ISO movie. I waited about 10 minutes before I noticed the load factor bump just above 1, but only momentarily. If I understand the atd man page correctly, when the load factor exceeds the -l option, even momentarily, but that event occurs when the scheduled recording should trigger, the atd will not run the job.
Which leads to the second bug: I'm much puzzled there is no log entry from the atd why the scheduled job did not execute. That absolutely nothing happens is a mystery. Silence. One simple log entry could have resolved this mystery long ago. Perhaps I'm not noticing an obvious way to trigger a log entry when the load factor is greater than the -l setting.
I am modifying my rc.d scripts accordingly. I welcome any comments about the issue.
Pat, please consider revising rc.M to programmatically select the -l setting. As CPU intensive tasks such as video consumption increases with modern usage, I suspect -l 1 no longer is adequate.
Edit: My inelegant fix:
LOAD_FACTOR_LIMIT="`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep cores | uniq | awk -F ': ' '{print $2}'`"
/usr/sbin/atd -b 15 -l $LOAD_FACTOR_LIMIT