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Old 08-22-2006, 05:44 PM   #1
Senior Member
Registered: Oct 2005
Distribution: Slackware 14.1
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Assigning Network Share Permissions

I'm using Slackware 10.2, KDE 3.4.3, coreutils 5.2.1.

On Box 1 I have a directory called /home/public that I share through samba as public. The file system is ext3. I assigned DMASK and FMASK permissions of 777. I mount the share point through a script rather than fstab.

If I assign the UID as root and the GID as users, all users can seek and destroy any file and that is what I want---full file access.

However, when any non-root user copies a file to that directory, that user receives an error message. From Konqueror the message is Could not change permissions for {file}. From the command line, using the -pv switch, the message is receive preserving times for {file}: operation not permitted.

I expect these messages because the UID is root. All users can seek and destroy, but they always receive these messages when copying files to that directory.

If I assign the UID to my primary non-root user account, that user and root can copy files and never see the error messages. Of course, all other users still see those error messages, although they can seek and destroy with full permissions.

If I copy from the command line without the -p option, then as expected the error message never appears. Similarly if I do not use the -v option. But my bigger beef is I have not discovered any method to avoid the message when copying from within Konqueror. A real nuisance.

The error messages make sense because of the assigned UID when connecting to the share point. The problem is not copying files. The copy operations works. What the messages mean is an inability to sustain the original file permissions because of the UID assignment.

These messages are not fatal and all users have access to the shared directory just like I want. From a user's perspective, because the directory is available to all users to search and destroy, file permissions are hardly critical. But what if I create a shared directory for a specific group of people? Say, a directory to store CAD files? I would not all CAD users with directory access to be receiving those messages. How should I assign the UID such that I can avoid these nuisance error messages?
Old 08-22-2006, 06:34 PM   #2
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: Aguascalientes, AGS. Mexico.
Distribution: Slackware 13.0 kernel
Posts: 816

Rep: Reputation: 31
Originally Posted by Woodsman
...I assigned DMASK and FMASK permissions of 777...
should not those be 000? with 777 in a mask you deny any access
Old 08-22-2006, 09:53 PM   #3
Senior Member
Registered: Feb 2006
Location: Seattle, WA: USA
Distribution: Slackware 11.0
Posts: 1,191

Rep: Reputation: 45
You can mount the drive in such away that all new files/folders get the persmssions of the parent directory (or share mount in your case). This is done with the I don't remember off the top of my head which option it is before the permissions (<some_num>000) it is, but the man pages should tell you.


Last edited by drkstr; 08-22-2006 at 10:00 PM.


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