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Old 03-16-2006, 11:44 PM   #1
Registered: Apr 2004
Location: san diego, ca
Distribution: Slackware 12.1
Posts: 99

Rep: Reputation: 15
Accessing external harddrive on network

I have a windows xp box that's setup to dualboot zenwalk 2.2 (which is basically a slimmed down version of slackware 10.2) but it runs primarily windows xp. i have a usb external hard drive hooked up to it and I store all my pictures, personal files, and music etc on this drive. (I'll refer this to computer #2)

My other box is a dual boot of the same exact operating systems (this will be called system #1) but I'll be running the linux partition most often and would like to mostly be able to access the external hard drive on #2 while its running windows (and linux if possible). It would also be nice to be able to access the hd on #2 while #1 is running linux AND while it's running windows. the same goes for #2 (would like to be able to access the drive while #2 is running linux and while it's running windows from #1 running either os).

I hope this is clear enough, could be kinda confusing, but i basically have a drive that i would like accessable between 2 systems that are each running dual boot windows/linux partitions while either one is running either operating system. if this is not easily feasable, then at the very least, I would like to be able to access the external hard drive that is on #2 while it's running windows, from system #1 running linux.

thanks in advance! and please, if you don't quite understand what im trying to achieve just ask, and i'll try to clear it up.
Old 03-17-2006, 03:00 AM   #2
Senior Member
Registered: Oct 2004
Location: Luxemburg
Distribution: Slackware, OS X
Posts: 1,507

Rep: Reputation: 47
This is a typical case for SAMBA.

Windows has the facility to share files via this protocol build-in, so all you need to do is create a "share" and share the "drive" which represents the external disk over the network.
The other Windows box can then access this "share", as can Linux client with the SAMBA client software.

If OTOH you boot box 2 with Zen, you need to setup a SAMBA server on that system do do the same sharing you did with Windows. The only thing that might be different, depending on how you do it, is the hostname on which the "share" is defined.

There's certainly plenty of SAMBA tutorials around. If not, we can help you get started.


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