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Old 08-16-2004, 02:40 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2004
Distribution: Slackware 10
Posts: 12

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Abit KV8 Max3 onboard Nic problems

Can't seem to get the onboard nic to read anything other than the Localhost. Not entirely savvy with how to get all the networking stuff to work because the first installation I did of Slack 9 worked like a charm. Using slackware 10 with a dualboot of windows on it. Windows connects to the net so it's fine there. What can I do to connect to the router (Linksys)

Hmm, nother question that some people might've experienced. Occaisionally the computer will just freeze either while I'm watching movies or playing games. I replaced the Video card and that's not it, using the onboard stuff for everything else so I don't know if it is the mobo or not...any other things I could try to get this computer not to freeze?
Old 08-16-2004, 04:00 PM   #2
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Re: Abit KV8 Max3 onboard Nic problems

Originally posted by obl1v1us
Can't seem to get the onboard nic to read anything other than the Localhost. Not entirely savvy with how to get all the networking stuff to work because the first installation I did of Slack 9 worked like a charm. Using slackware 10 with a dualboot of windows on it. Windows connects to the net so it's fine there. What can I do to connect to the router (Linksys)
How did you set it up, did you try to run netconfig
again yet?

Hmm, nother question that some people might've experienced. Occaisionally the computer will just freeze either while I'm watching movies or playing games. I replaced the Video card and that's not it, using the onboard stuff for everything else so I don't know if it is the mobo or not...any other things I could try to get this computer not to freeze?
Are there any intervals (time-frames that you can see)
for that to happen? Patterns? Or is it completely random?

Old 08-16-2004, 04:07 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2004
Distribution: Slackware 10
Posts: 12

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Alrighty, I've run netconfig again and done DHCP, it says that it set it up fine but it still refuses to ping anything but local host. Under the Lsmods command I guess, I can't see anything that would be an ethernet card. Dont' really know much else beyond that, haha. Just that the onboard is a gigabit 3com something something.....

The only pattern that I can see is that it clicks just before freezing, so the sound, speakers or whatever, click. I've tried using the front speaker port, instead of the ones in the back but that still doesn't work. Haven't tried adding a sound card though. As long as I'm using very small programs, like winamp, aim, and IE it'll stay just fine. If i start playing any small game, like even D2 it'll crash pretty soon.


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