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11-28-2013, 11:33 AM
Registered: Oct 2013
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Posts: 272
A C program to find the difference between 2 dates,and a few of its applications
I have developed a C program to find the difference between 2 dates.
It took some time and effort (its 200 lines of code + testing for different cases!(also available)), but finally I made it!
//A program to calculate the no of days between 2 dates in format yyyy-mm-dd
//Takes 2 command line args- initial date and final date
//Copyright (C) 2013 Aaditya Bagga
/*This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
any later version.
This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "to_int.h"
int d=0; //to store the output,ie, difference in days
//Make a structure for the date
struct date
int year;
int month;
int day;
//Make a macro for checking leap year
#define is_leap(year) (((year%4==0)&&((year%100)!=0)) || ((year%400)==0))
//Make a macro for checking elapsed days
#define check_elapsed_days(days) (days)
//Protoypes for functions
void check_months(int,int,int,int,int);
void diff_years(int,int);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if(argc != 3 ) {
printf("Invalid number of arguments\n");
//Extract the year,month,day components from the date
char yi[5],yf[5],mi[3],mf[3],di[3],df[3]; //size+1 for null character at the end
strncpy (yi, argv[1], 4);
strncpy (mi, argv[1]+5, 2);
strncpy (di, argv[1]+8, 3);
strncpy (yf, argv[2], 4);
strncpy (mf, argv[2]+5, 2);
strncpy (df, argv[2]+8, 3);
yi[4]='\0'; //insert null character at the end
yf[4]='\0'; //insert null character at the end
//Convert the string date components to int and assign them to the structure elements
//store difference b/w the date elements
int dy=d2.year-d1.year;
int dm=d2.month-d1.month;
//*Now the date part
//int flag=0; //to check for wrong dates: currently the program is non-interactive so its not being implemented yet
//Procedure:find diff in year -> find diff in month -> find diff in days
//diff in year: find diff in year -> diff in month -> diff in days
//diff in months -> find diff in months -> diff in days
if(dy==0) //Year same
//Check difference in months
if(dm==0) //Month same
d=dd; //output=diff in days
else //There is Difference in Years
//Check if there is diff in years = 1 year, or more
//Only diff in months need to be checked
check_months(d2.year,1,d2.month,0,; //0 is used as initial day to compensate for the day being lost due to 2 function calls to check_months
diff_years(d1.year,d2.year); //Check diff in years
//Print the output
printf(" %d day(s)\n",d);
int check_days(int year,int month) //find the no of days in a month
int leap=is_leap(year); //check if its leap year
case 1:case 3: case 5:case 7: case 8: case 10: case 12:
return 31;
case 4: case 6: case 9:case 11:
return 30;
case 2:
return 29;
return 28;
default: return 0;
int check_remaining_days(int year,int month,int day)
int days_in_month=check_days(year,month);
void check_months(int yr,int mi,int mf,int di,int df)
//This function has been made in such a way that mf>=mi, if the opposite is true, display a message to the effect.
printf("Did you enter the date correctly? Its like first earlier date, then later date.\n");
//if mf=1,ie,final month is january, then the days calculated as days in current month which is done at the end
d=d+check_remaining_days(yr,mi,di); //Add the days in current month
//Days in current month added, move on to the next months
mi=mi+1; //Increment the month as days in current month have been added
d=d+check_days(yr,mi); //add the days of the month
mi=mi+1; //now increment to check for next month
//Days in in-between months added; now add days in final month
//In this case initial month was 12,ie,december,and the days are calculated at the top as remaining days
d=d+check_elapsed_days(df); //add the days from the final month
void diff_years(int yi,int yf)
int dy=yf-yi; //Difference in years
if (is_leap((yi+1))) //Check if next year is leap or not
d=d+366; //Add the no of days in the year
d=d+365; //Add the no of days in the year
yi=yi+1; //Increment the year to check for next year
dy=yf-yi; //Recalculate the difference
//done with the difference in years
//now need to check the difference b/w months
check_months(yf,1,d2.month,0,; //0 is used as initial day to compensate for the day being lost due to 2 function calls to check_months
You can download the binary from the link above (dur for x86_64, dur32 for x86), or you can compile it on your own machine as (after saving it as dur.c)-
gcc -lm -o dur dur.c
(you will also need to have the to_int.h file obtained from the repo link given above, to be present in the same directory as dur.c)
Then to use it-
dur yyyy-mm-dd yyyy-mm-dd
where the first date is the earlier date and the 2nd date is the later date.
for eg,
./dur 2013-11-28 2013-11-29
1 day(s)
I thought of a few ways to use this
This quotes from the use-cases.txt file that is present in the source.
1.)To find the last upgrade time with slackpkg.
A bash function for it-
function lastupt()
updated=`date --date=@$(cat /var/lib/slackpkg/LASTUPDATE) +%F`
today=`date +%F`
echo "Last update was`dur $updated $today` ago"
This can be added to ~/.bashrc and called with $ lastup
(dur, the compiled C program, has been copied to /usr/bin)
2.)As a reminder manager.
a)A script for it-
#A script to act as a reminder
today=`date +%F`
echo "$eventname is`dur $today $eventdate` away"
read #To wait for the user to close it.
exit 0
The eventname and eventdate can be modified.
This can be saved as a file named "remind" inside a folder named "scripts" in your home directory, and made executable as chmod +x ~/scripts/remind
The above script can be added to autostart, so that the reminder is displayed at every boot.
for eg, I have added this the following in my autostart
xterm -e "/home/aaditya/scripts/remind"
b)To be displayed as a Conky element
I have the following in my ~/.conkyrc
${font Cantarell:size=12}Exam: $alignr ${execi 3600 dur `date +%F` 2013-12-08}
Here Exam is the name of the event, and 2013-12-08 is the date of the event, ie exam.
This updates itself every hour, or 3600 seconds.
(I have copied the compiled file dur to /usr/bin so that I can call it with conky)
(Perhaps the former is not very relevant for slackware users)
It has been to my attention that there exits the standard C time library in which difftime returns the difference between two times.
But I didnt know about that when starting out
Screenshots below.]
Last edited by aaditya; 11-28-2013 at 02:56 PM.
11-28-2013, 12:21 PM
LQ Veteran
Registered: May 2008
Posts: 7,099
Originally Posted by aaditya
It has been to my attention that there exits the standard C time library in which difftime returns the difference between two times.
But I didnt know about that when starting out
Well as long as you had fun writing it, that's the main thing.
Few weeks back I ended up writing some code to convert to and from roman numerals after we got chatting about it on this forum: I have absolutely no use for it whatsoever, but it was an interesting exercise, and it was more satisfying than a Crossword.
11-28-2013, 01:31 PM
Registered: Oct 2013
Location: India
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 272
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Originally Posted by GazL
Well as long as you had fun writing it, that's the main thing.
Few weeks back I ended up writing some code to convert to and from roman numerals after we got chatting about it on this forum: I have absolutely no use for it whatsoever, but it was an interesting exercise, and it was more satisfying than a Crossword.
I learnt many things also.
Indeed I had seen that thread, but somehow missed your program.
Now I checked it.
11-28-2013, 01:42 PM
LQ Veteran
Registered: May 2008
Posts: 7,099
Originally Posted by aaditya
Yep, I did a couple of revisions after that trying alternate approaches to see which I liked the best.
11-28-2013, 01:45 PM
Registered: Oct 2011
Location: Texas, USA
Distribution: LFS-SVN, Gentoo~amd64, CentOS-7, Slackware64-current, FreeBSD-11.1, Arch
Posts: 229
Originally Posted by aaditya
I have two suggestions to improve you code:
1). Use int main() rather than void main(). See this article:
2). Add #include <math.h> to haul in the declaration for the math functions.
I'll add that I applaud your efforts for doing this in C. It would be just a few lines of code in a higher level language such as Perl or Python but I think it's a good exercise of programming skills to do so in C.
Last edited by re_nelson; 11-28-2013 at 01:49 PM.
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11-28-2013, 02:20 PM
Registered: Oct 2013
Location: India
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Posts: 272
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Originally Posted by re_nelson
I have two suggestions to improve you code:
1). Use int main() rather than void main(). See this article:
2). Add #include <math.h> to haul in the declaration for the math functions.
I'll add that I applaud your efforts for doing this in C. It would be just a few lines of code in a higher level language such as Perl or Python but I think it's a good exercise of programming skills to do so in C.
Changed void main() to int main() [I didnt know/realise it was error-prone, thx for the link]
I include to_int.h ,which itself includes math.h and string.h
Do I need to include it again?
If you mean the following
gcc -o dur dur.c
/tmp/cc1dOfR2.o: In function `to_int':
dur.c:(.text+0xa8): undefined reference to `pow'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
I checked including math.h doesnt make a difference.
When I faced that error I searched and found this which states that gcc optimises the pow() call if a constant is used, and to use -lm option in such a case.
Thanks for the help
P.S. I dont know perl or python
Additionaly added exit_status' after reading your link and seeing GazL's program with the exit_status'
Last edited by aaditya; 11-28-2013 at 02:29 PM.
11-28-2013, 02:46 PM
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There is nothing wrong with declaring
void main (int argc, char *argv [])
if you use the exit() function:
/* exit on a failure */
/* exit successfully */
An example might be attempting to open a file that does not exist or is not readable:
/* open the input file */
if ((in = fopen (argv [optind], "r")) == (FILE *) NULL) {
(void) fprintf (stderr,
"%s:\tcan't open %s\n",
argv [0], argv [optind]);
Calling the exit() function invokes fclose() for any open files. Production programs should invoke exit(), ferror(), possibly feof() and the like as well; that's probably a little overkill, but at least exit() should be called with a status argument (EXIT_SUCCESS or EXIT_FAILURE), that value is available to the calling process (as would a return() at the end of an int main() function. Including the error message at least gives and indication of what occurred.
I've been doing it for decades, since the advent of ANSI C ( The C Programming Language (2nd ed.) on various Unix, Solaris and Linux systems with no problems (and on large production systems). I realize that it's gotten to be a dogma thing, but I really believe it's six of one, half dozen of the other -- do what you're comfortable with as long as it works; you need to invoke exit() and it's cousins in any event to cover all the bases.
Hope this helps some.
Last edited by tronayne; 11-29-2013 at 07:50 AM.
11-28-2013, 03:05 PM
Registered: Oct 2013
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Thanks for the insight tronayne
11-28-2013, 03:07 PM
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Nice job with the program.
Something you may want to think about if you're interested in long-term days, dates and calendars are Julian Day Numbers; today (2013-11-28) is Julian day 2456625. Julian day 0 is -4713-01-01 (that's 4713 BCE, a long, long time ago).
If you are interested, I'll post ndays.c which does quick conversion from Gregorian date to Julian day numbers and returns the number of days since the lower date. Let me know.
Nice work.
Hope this helps some.
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11-28-2013, 03:19 PM
Registered: Oct 2013
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Posts: 272
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Originally Posted by tronayne
Nice job with the program.
Something you may want to think about if you're interested in long-term days, dates and calendars are Julian Day Numbers; today (2013-11-28) is Julian day 2456625. Julian day 0 is -4713-01-01 (that's 4713 BCE, a long, long time ago).
If you are interested, I'll post ndays.c which does quick conversion from Gregorian date to Julian day numbers and returns the number of days since the lower date. Let me know.
Nice work.
Hope this helps some.
Thank You
I didnt know about Julian days, but the concept interests me, as I had initially tried to convert the date into a days only format, so that I could easily subtract the days, but I couldnt come up with a way to do it
(off to sleep now )
11-28-2013, 03:24 PM
LQ Veteran
Registered: May 2008
Posts: 7,099
I'm still making my mind up about exit(). I tend to use it if I need a program to bail out mid-run, but for normal termination more often than not I tend to let the return at the end of main deal with it rather than stick an exit(EXIT_SUCCESS) at the end of main(). At the moment I'm very inconsistent about this. As an old mainframe guy it takes all my effort just to suppress the urge to return 4 for warnings and 16 on failure.
11-28-2013, 03:41 PM
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OK, the Julian Day Number is described in a Wikipedia article at
plus the Modified Julian Date is discussed in a US Naval Observatory article at
All of my stuff is Julian Day number (I do use Modified Julian Date for other purposes as describe in the Naval Observatory article).
Here is the code for ndays.c:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
static time_t julday (int, int, int);
void main (void)
int ldd, lmm, lyy;
int udd, umm, uyy;
(void) fprintf (stdout, "Enter Lower Date (MM/DD/YYYY): ");
(void) scanf ("%d/%d/%d", &lmm, &ldd, &lyy);
(void) fprintf (stdout, "Enter Upper Date (MM/DD/YYYY): ");
(void) scanf ("%d/%d/%d", &umm, &udd, &uyy);
(void) fprintf (stdout, "Number of Days: %ld\n",
julday (umm, udd, uyy) - julday (lmm, ldd, lyy));
/* Gregorian Calendar adopted 15 Oct 1582 */
#define IGREG (15+31L*(10+12L*1582))
static time_t julday (int mm, int id, int iyyy)
time_t jul;
int ja, jy, jm;
if (iyyy == 0) {
(void) fprintf (stderr, "julday:\tthere is no year zero\n");
exit (1);
if (iyyy < 0)
if (mm > 2) {
jy = iyyy;
jm = mm + 1;
} else {
jy = iyyy - 1;
jm = mm + 13;
jul = (time_t) (floor (365.25 * jy) +
floor (30.6001 * jm) + id + 1720995);
if (id + 31L * (mm + 12L * iyyy) >= IGREG) {
ja = 0.01 * jy;
jul += 2 - ja + (int) (0.25 * ja);
return (jul);
#undef IGREG
You compile it with
cc -o ndays ndays.c -lm
You execute it
Enter Lower Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 01/01/1901
Enter Upper Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 11/28/2013
Number of Days: 41239
Which is the number of days since the beginning of the 20th century until "today" (2013-11-28).
There's a lot of fiddling you can do with Julian day numbers (if you need a converter to go from Julian Day to Gregorian date, let me know and I'll post it for you).
Hope this helps some.
1 members found this post helpful.
11-28-2013, 03:50 PM
Registered: Oct 2011
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Originally Posted by aaditya
Changed void main() to int main() [I didnt know/realise it was error-prone, thx for the link]
It's a violation of the C standard to use the void main() signature. The fact that it "works" on most implementations is not relevant in terms of standard conformance. It comes at no cost and is the right thing to do. My personal preference is to always invoke the compiler with these flags:
gcc -ansi -pedantic [...]
I include to_int.h ,which itself includes math.h and string.h
Sorry...I overlooked that since I simply clipped the code for the to_int function and hoisted it into the C source rather than using the include mechanism.
I enjoyed the program and found that I'm now 22126 day(s) old!
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11-29-2013, 01:20 AM
Registered: Oct 2013
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Originally Posted by re_nelson
It's a violation of the C standard to use the void main() signature. The fact that it "works" on most implementations is not relevant in terms of standard conformance. It comes at no cost and is the right thing to do. My personal preference is to always invoke the compiler with these flags:
gcc -ansi -pedantic [...]
Ah, I understand. I will use it now onwards
I enjoyed the program and found that I'm now 22126 day(s) old!
Hehe, that made me smile widely
Thank You
11-29-2013, 02:19 AM
Registered: Oct 2013
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Posts: 272
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Originally Posted by tronayne
OK, the Julian Day Number is described in a Wikipedia article at
plus the Modified Julian Date is discussed in a US Naval Observatory article at
All of my stuff is Julian Day number (I do use Modified Julian Date for other purposes as describe in the Naval Observatory article).
You execute it
Enter Lower Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 01/01/1901
Enter Upper Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 11/28/2013
Number of Days: 41239
Which is the number of days since the beginning of the 20th century until "today" (2013-11-28).
There's a lot of fiddling you can do with Julian day numbers (if you need a converter to go from Julian Day to Gregorian date, let me know and I'll post it for you).
Hope this helps some.
I had a look at the Wikipedia article. Although I dont think I have need to use the precision myself, but I thought about using your program to verify if my program gives the correct difference or not
The output of the program is the difference in Julian day numbers, right?
Ah, yes I think thats it
Enter Lower Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 01/01/2013
Enter Upper Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 29/11/2013
Number of Days: 865
Oops, I got it wrong!
Enter Lower Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 01/01/2013
Enter Upper Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 11/29/2013
Number of Days: 332
dur 1901-01-01 `date +%F`
41241 day(s)
So there just seems to be a difference of 2 days or 0.005% error approx
Last edited by aaditya; 11-29-2013 at 03:00 AM.
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