I just upgraded to Slackware 12.2 and my printer is not working. The CUPS webpage for the printer says:
The PPD version (135910128) is not compatible with Gutenprint 5.0.1.
I went into package tool and for some reason Gutenprint 5.0.1 and 5.2.2 were both in there. So I nuked everything (removed cups package and both gutenprint ones) and then reinstalled the cups (1.3.9) and gutenprint (5.2.2) packages from the slackware website. It still gave me the same message, so I ran
locate gutenprint and it shows results of both 5.0.1 and 5.2.2.
How do I get rid of the 5.0.1 files safely, or tell it that I want to use the 5.2.2 version?