2.6.x kernel,sysfs and rc.S
I have noticed in the slack forum some confusion regarding the use of sysfs and the 2.6 series kernels. Well, I was unsure as well, and did a bit of reading. I still have a few questions.
I started looking around in the kernel documentation, but was disappointed with the lack of guidance on the subject.
The key points to get this working correctly on Slackware seem to be:
1. Give sysfs a mount point
mkdir /sys
2. Put an entry in /etc/fstab
sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 0
(Note, this is only for 2.6 series, if you run 2.4 series kernels as well then you need to start thinking about the noauto option, and a script to mount sysfs only when required.)
Patrick says that Slackware 9.1 or later is 2.6 ready, and it is, but you still need to make the changes shown above.
Documentation from various sources also suggests that the initscripts (and shutdown) that start your linux system need to be modified to mount sysfs, but no change appears to be necessary in Slackware, I believe this is due to the line in /etc/rc.d/rc.S:
/sbin/mount -a -v -t nonfs,nosmbfs
which mounts the stuff found in /etc/fstab
however, I do not know whether sysfs should be mounted early like /proc is, or not. It does not appear to make any difference on my system.
Anyone have any comments on this?
I am running Slackware current and kernel 2.6.4