As Slackware-current is now labeled 14.1 beta, so is slint.
As a reminder slint is Slacwkare modified to include a localized installer.
At time of writing, slint's installer is available in
- English (of course :-)
- French
- Polish
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- Russian
- Spanish (Latin America)
- Ukrainian
But there is more!
Script can internationalize Slackware-14-1 beta: not only the installer but the installed system as well.
It produces an internationalized Slackware tree and optionally a DVD ISO image of it.
You can then install slint-14.1 beta that will include these localized scripts:
- explodepkg, installpkg, makebootdisk (in case someone still uses that :-), makepkg, pkgtool, removepkg, upgradepkg
- liloconfig
- netconfig
- setconsolefont
- timeconfig
- adduser
- xorgsetup, xwmconfig
- scripts in /var/log/setup used by 'pkgtool'.
In addition, localized man pages (in French, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian at time of writing, more to come) are provided for:
- explodepkg, installpkg, makepkg, pkgtool, removepkg, upgradepkg
- slackpkg, slackpkg.conf
HOW-TO test slint-14.1 beta
In what follows, 20130918 will have to be replaced by a new date in the form YYYYMMDD when an update occurs, so check the date of slint-[date].tar.xz in first and adapt accordingly.
Download slint-20130918 tarball and check its integrity with its md5sum file, check and unpack the tarball, then run
cd /whereyouwanttodownloadthefiles
md5sum -c slint-20130918.tar.xz.md5 # answer should be: OK
tar xf slint-20130918.tar.xz
cd slint-20130918
./ # the script will tell you the prerequisites and give you instructions
Please read file TESTING that you will find at the root of internationalized Slackware tree and DVD produced by
In addition, you can try localized man pages. To do that, you should have set LANG to an UTF-8 encoded locale (installer will propose you to do that for you at end of configuration, as well as set accordingly keyboard used on the console and possibly under X). In addition you will have to set GROFF_ENCODING=utf8.
For instance, edit ~/.bashrc and add either this line:
export GROFF_ENCODING=utf8
or this one
alias uman="GROFF_ENCODING=utf8 man"
In the latter case, type e.g. "uman slackpkg" instead of "man slackpkg" (reminder: works for French, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian at the moment).
Have fun :^)
PS Before you ask: no, already built ISO are not provided as we, translators included, wish to convince Mr. Patrick Volkerding to include internationalized & localized stuff in Slackware-14.1 instead. Crossing fingers :-)