1. Is recompiling glibc with a larger default stack size really that hard?
Nope. Just grab the glibc directory /source/l from your favorite mirror. Included in the directory is a SlackBuild script. Edit it to add the necessary option to the ./configure line to increase the stack size. Also, set the BUILD environment variable to "6custom" or "6(initials)" or something similar, assuming 6 is the current build revision (to find out, 'ls /var/log/packages | grep glibc' it'll be the last number in the glibc package output. Also, you can set the ARCH environment variable to get a small amount of optimization, or edit the script to add your own optimizations (though this can be dangerous). Though, I've read that optimizing the kernel and glibc will give good speed boosts, and most other packages aren't worth optimizing. Then execute the script. This will compile glibc and create a series of packages which you can then use with upgradepkg to upgrade to your custom glibc.
# ARCH="i686" BUILD="6a" ./SlackBuild
Then upgrade to the packages it generates, and you should be set.
EDIT: I'm assuming above that changing the default stack size in glibc is simply a matter of passing it a configure option. That may or may not be the case, though I assume there is such a configure option.
2. Will it affect anything else that I should be aware of (ie. will stability be compromised or will other components require a recompile)?
That I don't know.
3. Is there any advice I can get of any kind? I'll read and do my part, I just want to know if there are any gotchas out there for this or if anyone has anything to tell me that might save me a few hours of reading/experimenting.
Hopefully the SlackBuild script will ease things for you a bit, but other than that I've never bothered trying to rebuild glibc in Slackware.