Hi all of my friends,
Never, never, never give up!!!!!
After some laborous searchings, I found it....
Before proceeding, please read and think and then accept about this "license agreement":
1. I was searching for this (days and nights) not just becuase of my own problem. It was other's problem too. We MUST help each other. Do you agree with me?
2. I was searching for this while I don't know it to be illegal. Why must "a linux user" pay 15$ just for a "driver" which the whole of its hardware just costs ~7$? Wheras the driver for a commercial OS like the respected M$ Windows is free of charge, then how a linux user may pay for it? Do you agree with me? (Yes, if you are a moderator of this forum then you will be the only person who do not accept this...no problem. I am happy that all of the users are not moderators).
3. You should spread this in any other forum so other "friends" can use and enjoy it too. Do you agree with me?
Now if you accept the license, go and follow these instructions on this page. Enjoy!
Don't forget to keep any download. Maybe it won't be there later ...