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Old 02-06-2012, 05:19 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2012
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Submission of Job using qsub queue command

Hi all,

I am currently trying to run a code I have written on a ROCKS cluster. I have tested the code by ssh to a single node and running it through there. The code is written in Fortran and compiled using a gfortran compiler on the cluster.

When I submit the job to the queue using qsub I get a variety of errors. The first is a tty error.
"Warning no access to tty (Bad File Descriptor"
Initially I thought this was due to the code trying to output to the terminal but after removing that line the error persists.

The second error is "Event Not Found" There are some characters before this error although they make no sense and constantly change.

I believe these errors are coming from the fact that the code is written so that it will output into individual file which it creates in the directory it was ran in. Is there a way to get the code/cluster to point the output to my local machine.

If anything I said doesn't make sense I can provide more info if needed.

Old 02-08-2012, 08:42 PM   #2
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The cluster should have some shared storage, can you not output there? .. might be worth outputting stderr as well. What are your applications dependencies?


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