learnin sucks - right
all of us have been throught it, soon the initialized won't answer yr every request - their'll just direct u to the answers.
use the manual doc and websites like this and ask ask ask, until u find what ur lookin for.
any doc come wid the printer, no look it up on the net, look for drivers for linux -
many things may require that u search further for the precise answer, visit as many sites as u can for as long as it takes.
OK ras123, start up the box , make sure u unplug all the usb devices, have the system brought up, the system shld run a h/ware check (sim. to windoze), u may help it.
run as root all these comms. usbview - show all dev's hangin off the usb core. a file called modules.conf, thnk it lives under /etc/networking or something again dont expect to be spoon fed, u may have to search for it.
in modues.conf yr usb devs shld be displayed - these are currently loaded.
there ought to be a printer type conf file too , please search not sure of name and location,
probably best to use conrtol centre to search for CUPS GUI, see if it has any entries for yr printer.