I hate to do this but I am a newbie to linux. I recently purchased a dedicated server through ipower.com and expected something similar to what I get with their shared servers. I was surprised when what I got was a linux box with apache installed and nothing configured. It came with usr/sbin/sendmail. I found this to be standard according to what I am used to on my shared accounts. I then uploaded formmail.pl and created a webpage with a form to call the perl script. I set the delivery email address to an internal address. When I complete the form the email goes throught to the internal email with no problems. When I change the delivery email address to an external address I get the folloing errors in the /usr/local/psa/var/log/maillog file....
Jan 13 10:52:24 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642344.242087 new msg 3948633
Jan 13 10:52:24 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642344.242187 info msg 3948633: bytes 558 from <root@localhost.localdomain> qp 19127 uid 48
Jan 13 10:52:24 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642344.249458 starting delivery 156: msg 3948633 to remote
Jan 13 10:52:24 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642344.249520 status: local 0/10 remote 2/20
Jan 13 10:52:24 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642344.730301 delivery 156: failure:<root@localhost.localdomain>/550-unrouteable_mail_domain_"localhost.localdomain"/550_Sender_verify_failed/Giving_up_on_66.235.216.130./
Jan 13 10:52:24 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642344.730367 status: local 0/10 remote 1/20
Jan 13 10:52:24 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642344.735385 bounce msg 3948633 qp 19129
Jan 13 10:52:24 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642344.735443 end msg 3948633
Jan 13 10:52:24 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642344.736223 new msg 3948636
Jan 13 10:52:24 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642344.736273 info msg 3948636: bytes 1301 from <> qp 19129 uid 2522
Jan 13 10:52:24 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642344.765690 starting delivery 157: msg 3948636 to remote
Jan 13 10:52:24 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642344.765785 status: local 0/10 remote 2/20
Jan 13 10:52:24 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642344.833361 delivery 157: failure: Sorry,_I_couldn't_find_any_host_named_localhost.localdomain._(#5.1.2)/
Jan 13 10:52:24 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642344.833714 status: local 0/10 remote 1/20
Jan 13 10:52:24 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642344.839257 bounce msg 3948636 qp 19131
Jan 13 10:52:24 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642344.839440 end msg 3948636
Jan 13 10:52:24 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642344.840012 new msg 3948633
Jan 13 10:52:24 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642344.840143 info msg 3948633: bytes 1810 from <#@[]> qp 19131 uid 2522
Jan 13 10:52:24 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642344.887994 starting delivery 158: msg 3948633 to remote
Jan 13 10:52:24 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642344.888089 status: local 0/10 remote 2/20
Jan 13 10:52:24 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642344.953238 delivery 158: failure: Sorry,_I_couldn't_find_any_host_named_localhost.localdomain._(#5.1.2)/
Jan 13 10:52:24 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642344.953568 status: local 0/10 remote 1/20
Jan 13 10:52:24 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642344.953653 triple bounce: discarding bounce/3948633
Jan 13 10:52:24 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642344.953714 end msg 3948633
Jan 13 10:58:58 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642738.047949 delivery 152: deferral: Connected_to_64.156.215.18_but_connection_died._(#4.4.2)/
Jan 13 10:58:58 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642738.048044 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
Jan 13 10:58:58 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642738.048060 starting delivery 159: msg 3948637 to remote
Jan 13 10:58:58 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642738.048073 status: local 0/10 remote 1/20
Jan 13 10:59:01 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642741.650635 delivery 159: success:
Jan 13 10:59:01 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642741.650699 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
Jan 13 10:59:01 ds209-133 qmail: 1105642741.650716 end msg 3948637
It appears sendmail is trying to send the email but the recieving mail server is rejecting because of the unknown sender <root@localhost.localdomain>
When I run sendmail via the command line, the maillog shows the same errors.
When I run email through horde I can send external emails with no problems. It replaces <root@localhost.localdomain> with an actual email address in the maillog. I don't think that webmail uses sendmail though does it?
How do I get sendmail to send to an external address? I searched the web and found tons of pages about setting up sendmail and creating the sendmail.cf file. I did a locate sendmail.cf and got no returns.