SCSI Tape Drive
Have installed an HP DAT 24 internal tape drive in a Dell Poweredge 1400 SC with an Adaptec 2940AU adapter - it is dedicated. OS is Red Hat 7.0. Three SCSI devices on the Server two drives connected to the onboard Adaptec 7889 and the HP C1357A on the 2940AU. According to dmesg the HP drive and 2940AU are seen and st0 has been detected. When the device st0 is used in any statement, i.e. tar -tvf /dev/st0 the Server abends (crashes). The Tapeware software that came with it causes the same abend. The HP diagnostic software hp_ltt generates the following message upon load:
OC_Execption_c caught: Internal error (oc_devicemap_linux.cpp, 525,
unable to find the sg device file)
HP can't explain it, Dell says its not their problem so the last candidiate (or perhaps the first) is the Red Hat Linux. Can anyone shed any light on this communication error. Unfortunately, this version of Red Hat does not come with lsdev. Am I correct in assuming the kernel is supporting the tape drive (the two SCSI hard drives are the heart and soul of the Server - in other words they are fine)?
Thanks in advance
Gordon Haas