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Old 07-16-2005, 04:42 PM   #1
Registered: Oct 2003
Location: fargoh eh.
Distribution: slackware
Posts: 94

Rep: Reputation: 15
rpm conflict workaround ...

  • rhel 4as x86_64
  • rhn satellite server 3.7
  • satellite server has undesirable (to me) behavior, such as removing httpd and replacing it with rhn-apache, which happens to be apache-1.
  • without the package httpd, other packages with that dependency (i.e. subversion that require apache-2) will not install.
  • can not install httpd because it conflicts with rhn-apache.
i thought of building httpd (apache-2 version) and running it alongside this rhn-apache package. this presents a challenge because[list=a][*] it would be named "httpd" and fulfills the dependencies for other packages such as subversion, but cannot be installed because rhn-apache lists it as a conflict or;[*]it would be named "somethingotherthanhttpd" and can be installed, but does not fulfill the dependencies for other packages such ags subversion by not being called "httpd."
** could go this route and build the other package(s) requiring httpd, but this is not just a matter of rebuilding and setting different package requirements. if httpd is now called httpd2, the dependent packages will need to be directed at the httpd2 binaries/conf files that are now located in non-standard locations to avoid conflict with the rhn-apache versions.[/list=a]
and now i am standing before a brick wall, unsure of what else to try.

ideas of how to have these two rpms co-exist? what am i missing? solutions need to be rpm-based.


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